Here is an interesting discussion about how Christianity probably began
Hierarchical political interest may have been involved
here is an interesting discussion about how christianity probably began.
hierarchical political interest may have been involved.
Here is an interesting discussion about how Christianity probably began
Hierarchical political interest may have been involved
no clue how i got this..
top ten reasons.
(why) jehovah's witnesses can't cope with the real world____________________.
Quite a good analysis of the JWS religious cult and how it mentally effects people who get involved in it.
This cult mentally entraps people psychologically by using fear, obligation and guilt and by exploiting human ignorance on many levels, such as promoting the distribution of literature and cultivating money.
It is very corrupt and I think became that way because the top leaders of the religion were also executive directors of religoius publishing house, which no doubt influenced the created doctrines which were inherently corrupt and dishonest but commercially advantageous.
My contact with my still in JWS family members has dropped dramatically over the years partially my own doing partially themselves.
There is no question or debate the JWS religoius cult breaks up families.
Considering this cult has been active for 100 years, one can honestly say there has been by now millions of families badly effected .
Some of this breaking up of families has caused numerous suicides as well, another sad and unfortunate story in itself.
remember when nixon resigned?
the big a was here some said.
remember 1986 and the "international year of peace and security?
I guess most JWs have too much in the game already to do that.
Yes a little doubt here and there is not enough to drive people out of the Org.
For most people there is too much involving in people's own personal lives to just walk away.
For example some have broken up their relationships with their own personal family members over the Org..
Some are in work related relationships with other JWS too.
remember when nixon resigned?
the big a was here some said.
remember 1986 and the "international year of peace and security?
The WTS used current events as to suggest that Armageddon was close at hand.
Being a person/child who was brought up in this religion, fear about Armageddon was always placed into my conscious awareness.
Its not any more because I now know its just fictional ancient mythology.
The ancients tried to create power and relevance to their select gods, to make them the almighty god(s), much of the book of Revelation is expressive mythology (fiction).
The propagation of Armageddon was a marketing tool the WTS used to attract attention to its published literature, it somewhat successfully worked.
we are encouraged to all, if possible, get the vaccinations.
if you don’t, we are told that we definitely could get the virus.
fair enough.. but what happens if you decide you aren’t going to get the shots?
Once government health officials see through data that 80 % their population has been vaccinated and case numbers drop dramatically, they will assume herd immunity has be established and therefore social restrictions can be lifted.
So please get vaccinated, not just for yourself but your immediate family too and the betterment of everyone in your local community.
remember when nixon resigned?
the big a was here some said.
remember 1986 and the "international year of peace and security?
Have you heard from JW's you know how the news has strengthened their confidence in the nearness of the end?
Oh sure this recent virus problem has stoked up the awareness by JWS that the end is near and the direct causative blame for that suggestion is without a doubt by the GB leaders of the JWS stating .......Well brothers and sisters its obvious now we are at the end of the end of this system of things.
My own still in brother who I recently talked to said see !
People who are devout JWS will embrace and uphold anything the GB men say or what they read off of JWorg. because they think their words are truthfully sanctioned by god himself, so it must be true.
The leaders of the Watchtower Corporation have been mentally exploiting people's fears and ignorance for over 100 years, will they ever stop ?, probably not because in doing so they can continue to create a subservient following which in turn creates their own sustenance of power and money.
The truthful reality based upon facts and evidence is something else but if people are not educated upon those facts they are susceptible to be exploited.
remember when nixon resigned?
the big a was here some said.
remember 1986 and the "international year of peace and security?
How do you counter that, or can you?
Just use and apply the facts that so called certain world events propagated by the WTS/JWS as being (signs of the times) have been happening for the past 2000 years and sometimes even more so, including pandemic plagues.
JWs for most part aren't well educated and the WTS heads (GB) exploit that to their advantage.
the president of the united states says we have to do something about this.
many politicians and people agree that we are all affected by the scourge of systemic racism.
what’s your view of this?
Racism is nowhere as prevalent as it once was say 50 years ago, at least in most modernized countries, not saying it doesn't exist but as evidential fact.
The media as of late have spin certain events into acts of racism, when in reality they were not, they were acts of people doing things inappropriately but because the event involved a white person and a black person its labeled as racism.
this is not mine, and i check and didn't see me posting it in the past, but it’s appropriate with what covid did to the door to door preaching work.. considering we are living in the last days, and everlasting life is at stake……….
and the only means of salvation ------is the preaching work……... why would jehovah allow door to door preaching to stop for a whole year-----maybe longer?????.
all jehovah’s witnesses never noticed how dumb the door to door preaching work actually is.. jehovah is the greatest emergency responder.
Yes what a great emergency responder when he killed all of mankind once by drowning them and apparently according to his earthly chosen organization the JWS, he's going to do it again.