Sad how these manipulative brainwashers do this to people.
The WTS has been fear fearmongering for over a century
Isn't freedom of religion just great ?
i’ve noticed a change in family attitude recently, like there is just something extra on their mind.
i even had to call my brother to check if he was dying and too scared to tell me.
anyway, i saw a video last night my saying jws think we only have 12 months left before armageddon so thought maybe this is the reason for changes attitude.
Sad how these manipulative brainwashers do this to people.
The WTS has been fear fearmongering for over a century
Isn't freedom of religion just great ?
watching in on my wife's zoom meeting last night, there was an item about discipline is love.
they played a 'caleb' animated cartoon and then the instructions were 'if possible, ask selected young children' several questions.. it seems however, that there are no children in my wife's current congregation so the questions were all answered by retired brothers and sisters.
the congregation mainly consists of elderly people (like us) and the few of childbearing age seem not interested in having children.
Why dont they tell all the JWs children that they should be killed for dishonoring their parents by emulating the bible scriptures ?
Those ancient Hebrews sure knew how to rear up children didn't they ?
have you gone back to that- or lost you faith because of 'brothers'?.
Thanks for the info DJW
Just sounds like a real silly condescending word.
Either way TruthMatters used the word in a nonsensical inappropriate way
i found this experience on reddit today.
disfellowshipping never really bothered me.
i always thought it was just another way of getting rid of members that weren't welcome anymore.. but i've changed my mind.
It can cause suicides .
Enough said.
i hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
Scholar's position is attached to his personal religious convictions of being a JWS.
If the WTS heads one day say we were wrong about 607 BCE, he in turn will say the same.
There is no logical reasoning or intellectual honesty in religious convictions.
it just that the gb has a problem mixing biblical fact with goofy opinions.. but at least is isn't like the churces!.
Truthmatters your an idiot, most people know the JWS dont have the truth of the bible.
We're here to mostly expose the lies and corruption of this organization and the damage it does to people's lives in a open and honest way.
have you gone back to that- or lost you faith because of 'brothers'?.
Have you gone back to that- or lost you faith because of 'brothers'?
Nope, realized the JWS religion was false and corrupt so I left.
I found science and education has more truth now.
What the hell is Churchianity ?
looking back at the jws religion and all what it did to people who joined the results are not very becoming, one might even say regretfully harmful.
here of some things of which i'm thinking about ........ first on the list has to be the thousands of people to date that refused a blood transfusion and died in doing so.. the people that have committed suicide indirectly caused by the jws df social restrictions and other reasons.. all the time wasted distributing the wts literature door to door, only to realize the doctrines the wts (gb) heads created were false and misleading.. all the marriages by young people which were enforced due to strict sexaul behavior, only to end up in divorce for incompatibility reasons.. all the families that have broken up over the decades because of the jws religoius convictions.. all the young teenagers who were persuaded to not obtain higher education because the end is so near.. all the social relationships that could have been fulfilling and good but were halted because someone wasn't a jws.. all the money people gave the wts.
some giving their entire inheritance to the organization which ended up being full of deceit and corruption after all.. .
The truth from the bible is abstract delusion that varies from one religion to another, that's why so many religions are saying they have the right truthful interpretation.
i hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
Scholar must be a delusional mentally off balanced idiot to not accept the overwhelming evidence of what happened in the region through archeological findings.
The bible itself supports these findings in many cases.
To him and his JWS brethren ancient prophecies hold more accuracy than all other forms of evidence
Oh wait a second he's god's personally chosen scholar so that makes him right and everyone else in the world all wrong, I got now.
i hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
Secular historians date the event of Jerusalem's destruction to within a year of 587 BC. The Witnesses' alternative chronology produces a 20-year gap between the reigns of Neo-Babylonian Kings Amel-Marduk (rule ended 560 BC) and Nabonidus (rule began 555 BC) in addition to the intervening reigns of Neriglissar and Labashi-Marduk, despite the availability of contiguous cuneiform records.[3