Cognitive irrational thinking can come from any political background.
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a pew study from 2020 (but one i just now came upon myself) reported that the more liberal you are, the more likely you are to have a mental health condition.
the worst suffering group are white females, ages 18-29 where over 56% have admitted to be described by their own doctors as having a mental health condition.
conservative females of the same age group suffer at less than half that number (27%).. while women tend to have more mental health problems than men (don't be mad at me for saying it, this is what the study reports) it is notable that liberal men have a higher percentage of mental health conditions than conservative women in the same age group.
Cognitive irrational thinking can come from any political background.
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so you all probably heard that the awake magazine is back, .
and one of my jw relatives said they were told by some elders that meetings and field service will resume before the end of the year.. they said this covid virus was a test, like when the romans breached jerusalem and retreated, only to come back later and sack jerusalem.
90% of the JWS religion is about hyped bullshit, mixed with pure ignrace
Unfortunately it works on some people.
in case you haven't heard, they just discovered the remains of some 215 dead children at a so called canadian residential school.
they couldn't call it a death-camp could they ... it would be too obvious.. these were where indigenous children were taken, forcibly, in order to "educate" them out of their native customs and languages and make them integrate with society.. unbelievably, this was still going on in the 60s to 90s.. of course the catholic church has their sticky fingers all over it.
what is it about those creepy bastards?
Unfortunately as with just about all religions they are secretive to their internal affairs toward outside acknowledgement.
Sure some of these kids died from natural causes, why is the Catholic church being so quiet about it ?
Are they ashamed or embarrassed because they placed these kids in a common unmarked grave ?
Did they not give these kids needed medical attention because of cost ?
A lot of unanswered questions here .
so i noticed one of the members here came to my jwtalk website, where i am an important administrator, and tried to join my site.. i check in here every so often and i was able to deduce that person was an apostate fraud, likely bent on polluting my site.
i denied their request to join.. ha!
Your too brainwashed and closed minded to be here JTrottigy.
This web site is for the critically minded intellectually honest.
So you better go back to JWtalk
billions of people around the world beleive in a god of some sort or other who exerts some power or influence to some degree or other in lifes affairs .. i don`t think there would be anywhere near that figure that would entertain the possability of extra terrestial life elsewhere in the universe.. and i find that curious .. the ancients didn`t know that their were other humans on other continents on this planet until they ventured out and found them .. we live somewhere in the milky way galaxy with millions of suns and planets that orbit them.. our galaxy is only one of trillions if not zillions of galaxys in the known universe.. look at the diversity of life on just this one planet earth ,what possabilitys could exist elsewhere ?
on alien worastronomers can use the hubble space telescope to view galaxies near the edge of the observable universe (the region of space from which light has had a chance to reach us within the last 13.77 billion years).
by examining a very tiny portion of the sky, counting up the number of visible galaxies in the universe in that specific region, and then multiplying that number to account for all the regions of the sky, astronomers estimate the number of galaxies in the universe.
An Unidentified Flying Object is just that.
Many time they were man made objects or glitches in radar scans.
Just because something is unidentified that does necessarily mean its an alien from another planet visiting
someone made reference in another post that the awake magazine had ceased publication.
maybe i missed it since i have not been on here as much in the last 6 months.
is this true?
Is it because the Watchtower Corporation has run out of fear mongering bullshit ?
Well it certainly has paired itself down from decades ago.
We must accept that Jehovah has provided the inter net so that the "True" kingdom preaching can go on by his chosen earthly organization.
are you sometimes dumbfounded at the direction the governing body takes?.
thousands of documents proving 607 bce is wrong, yet the gb sticks to the date, why?.
the generation that would not die, yet they continue by introducing an overlapping generation.. disfellowshipping at a time when everyone is leaving, not a good idea, yet they continue to disfellowship.. here is a video that addresses these questions..
Many times when he see men immersed in a vast amount of power and money you'll see some form of corruption in the endeavor to retain to what they have cultivated.
GB men today are just self made kings built up from their predecessors, when they are gone someone will more than likely take their place and a new system of mental manipulations will take place.
billions of people around the world beleive in a god of some sort or other who exerts some power or influence to some degree or other in lifes affairs .. i don`t think there would be anywhere near that figure that would entertain the possability of extra terrestial life elsewhere in the universe.. and i find that curious .. the ancients didn`t know that their were other humans on other continents on this planet until they ventured out and found them .. we live somewhere in the milky way galaxy with millions of suns and planets that orbit them.. our galaxy is only one of trillions if not zillions of galaxys in the known universe.. look at the diversity of life on just this one planet earth ,what possabilitys could exist elsewhere ?
on alien worastronomers can use the hubble space telescope to view galaxies near the edge of the observable universe (the region of space from which light has had a chance to reach us within the last 13.77 billion years).
by examining a very tiny portion of the sky, counting up the number of visible galaxies in the universe in that specific region, and then multiplying that number to account for all the regions of the sky, astronomers estimate the number of galaxies in the universe.
Gods are set in a framework of imagination where life forms are a possibility due to the immense universe of which we live in, so from that acceptance there is a greater possibility of life on other planets in the universe than there is gods .
in retrospect, for lurkerking fence sitters.
, today's( may 30 ) study article.:.
a mother un lovingly, on "apostate" advice, does everything, right and wrong to keep her daughter from becoming a wt slave.
Religion should never influence are instigate the breaking up of families, but the JWS religion is one that does.
.......and that's why the JWS gets labeled a cult many times.
if you saw any of the 2021 show on pbs.
a touching and beautiful song.
i thought i had a link copied, but not.