“He probably” died of having three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system
Ok if thats true than the police should notice he blacked out unconscious and taken some kind of recovery action.
Again the police screwed up
anyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
“He probably” died of having three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system
Ok if thats true than the police should notice he blacked out unconscious and taken some kind of recovery action.
Again the police screwed up
anyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
The video shows that the cop had his knee on Floyd's neck for most of time in the restraint position, then he move it back a little to Floyd's top shoulder.
He probably blacked out due to both having air blockage and blood flow restriction with that amount of pressure on his neck area as well his chest by the other officers.
When this happens its the police's duty to take assertive action to revive the person who was placed in restraint.
All the cops at this arrest event screwed up and they will most likely be punished with Derek Chauvin receiving the highest level of punishment.
anyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
I think this cop mishandled the situation, there should have been a moment when it was realized Floyd was not struggling, rolled him over and made an observation toward the next step.
I think the cop was distracted by intervening vocal pedestrians and he wanted to show and prove that he was in control over the situation for himself but he went too far.
The result in my opinion was aggravated assault causing death.
He's done irregardless .
Could this have happen if Floyd was a white guy ?
I think so given the certain circumstances.
Becasue the cop was white and the victim was black, it all turned into a big race thing, sensationalized even more by the media.
so sam rolex had this months talk on jw cult broadcasting.
my question to sam rolex is why not sell your rolex and give it to the cult?
how about muppet lett, why not sell your rental property in ga and give it to the cult?
The WTS/JWorg has been using fear, guilt and obligation to its adherents for decades now.
Pushing their literature in devious malicious ways came from the very top of the organization down to the Kingdom Halls.
It still goes on.
False prophet charlatans is what the Watchtower Publishing organization /JWS are , this hasn't really changed much to any great extent.
i give him an f for falling down on the job..
Lets be honest Mimimus you started this thread intentionally to shit on him right ?
In another point of honesty Joe Biden speeches now days are indeed broken up at times, he doesn't speak with the force and clarity which he use to in the past.
Watch this video of him speaking 20 years ago and you'd think its a totally different man.
Is the spoken delivery that important anyways ?
I think what is really more important are the policies and ideas these politicians make and their effective results connected to those policies is what really matters.
Everyone realizes and accepts that J Biden is physically old now but remember old doesn't necessarily mean dumb.
I had a professor in advanced Mathematics who was well into late 70's and he was sharp as a tack.
He certainly has the experience in politics at the federal level so that may come to his advantage and benefit with the political position he holds now.
As I mentioned previously the Biden administration has done well with the Covid vaccine distribution roll out in the US, lets see how well his economic recovery program pans out, will it be a flop or a hit ?
i give him an f for falling down on the job..
So your saying then his stuttering problem is a fraudulent lie ???
Please view this video
so it looks like about half of my jw relatives are not going back to the meetings once they open up the kingdom halls.
the main reason all of them give is that if we were truly living in the last days, jehovah would not have allowed the door to door preaching work, and kingdom hall meetings to stop for over a year.. the elders have talked to some of them and tried to convince them that letter writing is accomplishing the same thing as door to door, and zoom is the same as meetings-----------but my relatives just won’t buy it anymore.
just a note here, at first, the kingdom hall lock-downs, and the no preaching door to door was not that bad,the relatives still held on to their faith strongly because they believed it was temporary.
Living in a state of delusion based upon ancient "fictional" mythological expressions is never going to be good for anyone.
It can never be because its not structured within the parameters of factual reality.
so the cult is building movie studios and making films or propaganda d movies of jesus.
my question is how do they plan to make their investment back?
my guess is that they are hoping that this somehow brings in converts.
One could say JWorg is brainwashing people 21st century style.
Maybe Bill Gates is the true faithful one ?
Keep watching the monitor brothers and sisters, keep watching
Learn how big brother the chosen one is going to save you
i give him an f for falling down on the job..
Well Minimus people were saying that he's old and senile and lost much of his cognitive awareness so I just wanted to see that for myself.
Its makes sense to me if your going to degrade and abase someone you can least show some evidence to that .
I first listened to his inaugural speech awhile back and I couldn't detect he was losing his cognitive sharpness.
Sometimes his speech impediment (stutter) gets taken that he's loosing his mental facilities.
so the cult is building movie studios and making films or propaganda d movies of jesus.
my question is how do they plan to make their investment back?
my guess is that they are hoping that this somehow brings in converts.
My question is how do they plan to make their investment back?
Its just a new vehicle/strategy to brainwash people while they are sitting at the Kingdom Halls watching the video monitors or at their own personal computers.
Mentally manipulating people is how this organization retains its followers who will eventually offer up money and free labor.
The WTS/JWorg has millions on hand so its not like they are striving to get back a financial return on this new investment.
Their own sustenance of power is dependent upon them brainwashing other people and to them that's the most important investment that these men are endeavored to.
Doing so through video production in the end is substantially cheaper than doing so through printed literature. $$$
So sure an updated modern way of propagating their doctrines as viably corrupt charlatans but hey they are not trying to be in the literature publishing business any more.
Go to any Kingdom Hall now and notice that just about eveyone has a tablet in their hands.