This is a partial snip-it off G Floyd's autopsy report, notice the amount of Fentanyl found ...
George Floyd 20-3700 Page 2 III.No life-threatening injuries identified A.No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae B.No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures C.No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries D.No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries E.Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma IV.Viral testing (Minnesota Department of Health, postmortem nasal swab collected 5/26/2020): positive for 2019-nCoV RNA by PCR (see ‘Comments,’ below) V.Hemoglobin S quantitation (postmortem femoral blood, HHC Laboratory): 38% (see ‘Comments,’ below) VI.Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at 9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine) A.Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens: 1.Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2.Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3.4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4.Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 5.11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 6.Cotinine positive 7.Caffeine positive B.Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, or acetone C.Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids, amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite D.Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 ng/mL