Science has brought humanity out of ignorance, fear and superstition to humanity's own benefit.
Thank god for science
however good certain religious principles may or may not be, there seems to be complete insanity that only religion breeds.. a buddhist monk in thailand has apparently chopped off his own head to give himself 'good luck' in the afterlife.. .
Science has brought humanity out of ignorance, fear and superstition to humanity's own benefit.
Thank god for science
according to a recent helsingin sanomat article, there are over 200 kingdom halls in finland.
and over the last three years, 22 khs have been sold and five new halls have been built.
currently, seven khs are listed for sale and two new ones are under construction.
There is a statistically decline in JWS ie.those getting baptized, all over the world even in the US its base country.
After the virus obstruction is over with, one should expect that there are going to be even less participation in the JWS religion due to people just dropping out..
The WTS/JWS religion was built up upon lies, pretense and false biblical teachings, instigated and influenced no doubt by the organization's own commercial literature inspirations. (Religious charlatanism)
we all know of kingdom halls being sold for the past few years.
recently i ran into an elder from a nearby congo, and he told me, that they were in the process of selling their hall, but sudenly it was paused, and he expressed it like the gb put a stop to all selling projects world wide.
any of you heard about that ?.
Probably because the WTS knows that they can get more $$$ if they wait until the Covid problem is over.
Greed is righteous.
however good certain religious principles may or may not be, there seems to be complete insanity that only religion breeds.. a buddhist monk in thailand has apparently chopped off his own head to give himself 'good luck' in the afterlife.. .
Yes it does, mostly due to the fact that all religions in one way or another were devised by fictional mythological story telling based from human ignorance .
Some are more structured to be more unaccepted to known reality derived from evidence of truth and knowledge, creating in its place fear, superstition and ignorance.
the past two weeks several ufo sightings.
navy and pentagon confirm sightings.
us military is worried because the technology being used to drive these air vehicles are showing no signs of any sort of jet fuel.
As far as the JWS go and aliens they dont exist, no life outside planet earth exists accept spirits in heaven and oh yes god..
Science tells us that there very well be life as we know it on other planets since there are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe.
That being so let us not be presumptuous to think that no other planet in the universe has any kind of life.
Whether they have the capability to build rocket ships to move about the universe or even break through are own atmosphere without burning up is another question .
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I wouldn't encourage any interaction with JWorg. not unless you enjoy single minded lies and corruption by men who are self avowed to be that way for their own sake.
In case it hasn't be accepted yet this is dangerous killing religious cult that's built up through lies, ignorance and fear.
i can't believe william shatner is 90 years old but doesn't look like other 90 year olds that i've met.
is it genetic?
is it lifestyle.
Plastic surgery ? .
sorry, the article is behind a paywall.
however, here's a copy of it without the photo:.
I guess money is more important than upholding doctrines.
This whole affair of the Australian JWS being exposed in hiding pedophilia within their organization has surely blacked the image of the JWS in that country.
Good, I hope this happens in other countries as well.
The stated amount of millions coming in and being off shored by the WTS there tells much of the inner workings of the WTS.
Power and money corrupts and sometimes you can see this happen in religious organizations too.
so, in the uk, during the early stages of covid there was a groundswell of appreciation for the nhs for their front-line sacrifice.
this was crystallised into a regular clapping/whistling/noise making session every thursday at 8pm.. "harmless" you would have thought, "a gesture of appreciation", "what could possibly be wrong with joining in on that innocent activity?".
well, the co during his recent rounds had a different view.
Those of us who did it should be ashamed of ourselves.
The background reason which spurred this on was due to the fact these health care workers were putting their own life on the line to help people who got direly sick from Covid.
A few of these workers actually got infected with the virus themselves and died because of that.
This is just another indication or instance of the self identifying perception of power JWS (Elder) men build up around themselves, they are inundated with god almighty spirit you know.
Having the power to judge others is a grand thing, even if it is recklessly stupid.
the past two weeks several ufo sightings.
navy and pentagon confirm sightings.
us military is worried because the technology being used to drive these air vehicles are showing no signs of any sort of jet fuel.
They would probably try to start a bible study and place some literature with the aliens.
They would tell the aliens that if they didn't convert and become loyal to the Watchtower Corporation/JWorg. that Jah would soon destroy them turning them into fried and burnt wieners .