According to Islam, Christianity will be destroyed at Armageddon and according to Christendom, Islam will be destroyed citing individually that they are false religion.
Oh lets just call the whole thing off.
has anybody here been watching the series on stan or anywhere else called the godfather of harlem ?
i think it was towards the end of the 3rd episode of series one where the question is raised .. i am so far enjoying the episodes i`ve watched ..
According to Islam, Christianity will be destroyed at Armageddon and according to Christendom, Islam will be destroyed citing individually that they are false religion.
Oh lets just call the whole thing off.
some say we will never get back to pre-pandemic days.
others say we should expect to live with masks and social distancing as the “new normal “.
still others are hopeful that we can live life realizing there might never be an end to covid or cancer or influenza but our lives must continue to go on.
Problem with the Chinese government and its information screening and control, one has to take the information provided by them with questionable scrutiny.
It appears the Wuhan lab was testing and examining the Covid-19 virus there so could someone have self infected themselves in the lab and then taken it outside into the public is a possibility.
If that was the case would the Chinese government release that information openly , I kind of doubt it.
some say we will never get back to pre-pandemic days.
others say we should expect to live with masks and social distancing as the “new normal “.
still others are hopeful that we can live life realizing there might never be an end to covid or cancer or influenza but our lives must continue to go on.
Its would fair to say just because Dr. Fauci had a hand in sending grant money to the Virology lab in Wuhan, that doesn't mean he was directly behind in directing the creation of this Coivd virus. Just because you give money to a institution doesn't mean you know exactly whats going on there
This is a bit interesting off the CDC's website ........
Although the Wuhan market was initially suspected to be the epicenter of the epidemic, the immediate source remains elusive. The close relatedness among SARS-CoV-2 strains suggested that the Wuhan outbreak probably originated from a point source with subsequent human-to-human transmission, in contrast to the polyphyletic origin of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (14). If the Wuhan market was the source, a possibility is that bats carrying the parental SARSr-BatCoVs were mixed in the market, enabling virus recombination. However, no animal samples from the market were reported to be positive. Moreover, the first identified case-patient and other early case-patients had not visited the market (15), suggesting the possibility of an alternative source.
Because the RBD is considered a hot spot for construction of recombinant CoVs for receptor and viral replication studies, the evolutionarily distinct SARS-CoV-2 RBD and the unique insertion of S1/S2 cleavage site among Sarbecovirus species have raised the suspicion of an artificial recombinant virus. However, there is currently no evidence showing that SARS-CoV-2 is an artificial recombinant, which theoretically might not carry signature sequences. Further surveillance studies in bats are needed to identify the possible source and evolutionary path of SARS-CoV-2.
some say we will never get back to pre-pandemic days.
others say we should expect to live with masks and social distancing as the “new normal “.
still others are hopeful that we can live life realizing there might never be an end to covid or cancer or influenza but our lives must continue to go on.
On Feb. 19, 2020, public health experts signed a public statement to "strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin."
"Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes" of SARS-CoV-2 "and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife," the statement reads, citing nine scientific studies.
A detailed computational analysis of
the coronavirus conducted by five researchers in March found that its
genetic makeup showed no signs of alteration. The ability of the virus
to bind to human cells is most likely the result of natural selection in
an animal host or in humans after the virus jumped from animals.
from a theological and biblical perspective, this has to be asked and critically examined.. the doctrines this organization and its self described fdsl (gb) chosen ones has preached and taught have now more than ever have shown to be false teachings.. the bible warns of false prophets and those who say things that god has not given them to say but the wts from its earliest beginning made proclamations such as jesus's return in 1874.. so if one were to faithfully adhere to what the bible says and more so jesus's instructions for preaching his gospel of a new kingdom to come, who really are jws loyal to, the wts.
and its top leading men or jesus and jehovah ??
Actually the word Prophet is a misnomer
Agree with you there EA
I was speaking in theological terms mind you.
The bible warns about false prophets who say they speak in god's name.
The JWS say they are most righteous Christians on earth loyal and subservient to god's will and purpose, but are they really. ?
from a theological and biblical perspective, this has to be asked and critically examined.. the doctrines this organization and its self described fdsl (gb) chosen ones has preached and taught have now more than ever have shown to be false teachings.. the bible warns of false prophets and those who say things that god has not given them to say but the wts from its earliest beginning made proclamations such as jesus's return in 1874.. so if one were to faithfully adhere to what the bible says and more so jesus's instructions for preaching his gospel of a new kingdom to come, who really are jws loyal to, the wts.
and its top leading men or jesus and jehovah ??
If one were to go back and research the activity of the IBSA with C T Russell you can see an element of ignorance mixed with bit of speculative hype.
Russell placed so much money into the WTS. that men were chasing after it and the subsequent power established within the WTS both as a corporation and a organization.
This no doubt instigated the prevailing necessity to lie and create a structured preaching Gospel to enhance the proliferation of literature for what the WTS. was going to publish.
As the say the rest is history.
has anybody here been watching the series on stan or anywhere else called the godfather of harlem ?
i think it was towards the end of the 3rd episode of series one where the question is raised .. i am so far enjoying the episodes i`ve watched ..
Armageddon = Fictional mythology
some of my jw family that is waking up posed that question to my jw family that is still hanging on to jw belief.. the stepbrother that posed that question told me;.
"in all these years of being a jw, i actually never gave it much thought as to why jehovah had to kill millions of innocent animals that had nothing to do with mankind becoming evil.".
i keep picturing in my mind, all the baby puppies and kitties that were destroyed by jehovah.
The ancients, the originators of compelling over the top bullshit, particularly when it came to telling stories about their gods, such as how great and powerful they were.
In a lot of respects the battle between who's god is the almightiest still goes on to this day and who is their favorite ............Hint !
just a reminder about spammers.. please ignore them!.
they are idiots, we have a real "gay-for-j" zealot right now who hasn't got the message that they are not wanted and no one is interested in their bible-fantasy gibberish.
there's a certain irony that their own site is covered in "don't spam" rules but they think it's acceptable to do it to others.
so this is a sad story, i believe the cockatoo was neglected after his owner died (relatives just kept it locked up and the cage covered) so it plucked its feathers.
the new owners rescued it and are giving it the care, love, and attention it needs.. they discovered that it loves to dance so they share these adorable videos of it rocking out.. it reminded me what a great lesson there is for all of us - don't wallow in the past, live your best life now and enjoy your new freedom and be happy.. be like griffi.. also, it has way better moves than me..
Its seeing sights like the first Cockatoo "Griffi " that makes me think birds should be left in the wild the way nature made them to be.