Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!. you've made my day.
((((((((((((((( HUGS )))))))))))))))
Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!. you've made my day.
((((((((((((((( HUGS )))))))))))))))
should be introduce , i can't type .
worth a penny.
Sorry about that,
ME Searchin50
hi to anyone that reads this post; .
i am, an inactive j w have been for 11 years,& proud of it.
i was baptized in 1958, therefore led a very active life involved in, .
HI to anyone that reads this post;
I am, an inactive J W have been for 11 years,& proud of it.
I was baptized in 1958, therefore led a very active life involved in,
SPECIAL & REGULAR PIONEER for about 5 yrs.
Attended all meetings, very regular publisher,had book study
in my home.
Then in 1972 got myself DF/ED, then got myself reinstated
in 1991,so I could attend my daughters wedding.
I have been in KINGDOM HALL on few occasions that, I
deemed necessary.
I started visiting this board 1 yr ago.I enjoy coming here.
So I hope this breif introduction, meets the criteria
for this board.
Searchin [email protected]
Edited by - Searchin50 on 14 August 2002 9:44:26
i was a ministial servant, and elder there.
spent six year of my life in that cong.
i had some good friends there.
HI JOE: let me try this again. I'm sorry about my other post, I had help
from my 4 year old grandson! Have you left the org. or are you just visiting
this board? Anyway welcome,
zev, posting as "somebody"
*** w96 1/15 18-19 jehovah's sheep need tender care ***.
if a new one errs
Well first of all Smoking is not an EVIL sin,as WATCHTOWER likes to say it is.
Smoking is an addiction, people need help with these things. They do NOT
NEED EXPELLED from congeration. It wasn't until 1972 that they started
this NONSENCE, but i guess the light just wasn't BRIGHT enough.
Anyway i liked your post & yes i do smoke always have .
thanks Searchin50
i wanted to express to you how i felt at the vicious conduct of fred hell towards you earlier today, but i did not want to post it to his thread.
as a general rule i avoid posting to troll threads; it only helps them to get their rocks off.. i just wanted you to know how much i admire you and admired the way you stood up to him today.
insensitive people like that do not think about anyone else, only themselves.
HI JESIKA you remember me from SILENTLAMBS
you hang in there pretty girl !
My love and support to you
i'm sure i'm not the first to post this, but it's my first time seeing it.
i thought the acting was classic!
you just gotta see this, i never thought i'd see a public service announcement from the watchtower society.
They are trying to fool all the dubs, so they can say ( see we take care of kids )
makes me SICK
i was a ministial servant, and elder there.
spent six year of my life in that cong.
i had some good friends there.
HI JOE : welcome i will enjoy reading your post
HI JOE: WELCOME will enjoy reading your post. What made you decide
ousted members contend jehovah's witnesses' abuse policy hides offenses.
by laurie goodstein.
william bowen always considered himself a devout jehovah's witness.
Watchtower Policy must be changed now .This is a disgusting thing, to have your
name linked with the child molesting of INNOCENT BABIES. Thank you for the
information. I will pass it on.
my wife and i, along with her sister and friend went on a picnic today to the mountains of va. about an hour and half drive.
on the way someone asked what day of the month is it?
i looked at my watch and said the 10th.
hey i liked your screw up. remindes me of my hubby, he has forgotten a couple of times.
So i just told people HE was married not ME! so of course he remembers now, but it's
been 42 yrs, so maybe he really did forget. anyway i thought it was cute!!!!!!