Sounds like a sick sense of humor to me !!!!!!!!!!!!
just 2 more days left to my book study!
wheeeedited by - jh on 29 january 2003 6:39:43.
Sounds like a sick sense of humor to me !!!!!!!!!!!!
transcript for preview of the fifth estate's january 29, 2003 program (lovingly and painstakingly transcribed by scully .
bill mckeown: welcome back to the fifth estate.
next week on the program, a story about trust, betrayal and shattered faith.
Thank you Scully for the info. you are precious,
Does anyone know if we can get it on
Dish Network ? I hope I hope.
Edited by - Searchin50 on 27 January 2003 22:16:57
just popping in to say a big cheery g'day!
hope everyone's going great and simon's having a quiet time!
mrs ozzie and i have been on a special expedition reconnoitering a very special red wine.
Mr.&Mrs.Ozzie, Glad your back,I've been missing your post'.
hey joy, im very sorry for the pain you are going through, because the lose of your father.
i also know you had to deal with the borg world again and i know that was hard to deal with.
i really dont have the words just want you to know i care.
(((((((((((( Joy ))))))))))))
I'm so very sorry for your loss, my love to you.
I'm sorry you had to be in company of heathens.
God be with you many blessings.
it started in 1956. a girl was born.
with lovely strawberry blonde, curly hair.
dad and mom kissing.
Hi Tatiana------ WELCOME
My heart goes out to you.
Your truly a diamond but, you won't always be in the rough.
Love to you ---------Searchin50
just thought that i would introduce myself to the bb.
i'm not too informed about the jehovas witness program but i did study a bit a few months ago.
hoping to get back into it.
Hi Shannara Welcome
You may wanna Buckle Up It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello its the mole.....the other site has crashed..if any of you wished to contact me here i all of you in sacramento who need support from jw oppression i will do what i single x-sisters im 36 and dating...
HI MOLE--------- Thank God your here, I've missed you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are so informative with all your info from the ( INSIDE )
Please keep us informed.Look forward to many more post'.
Love Searchin50
my name is robert, i'm from alberta canada.
i just came across this site, and i was wondering if there is a location on this site where one would go to chat with or just correspond with other x witness, or do i just do as i am now, start typing and hope someone will answer?
i will wait to hear from someone before i go and say too much.
Oh how precious,just beautiful.
Wishing you all the best !!!!!!!!
hi, i'm a little bit nervous posting something in here.....this is the firts time.....i was just wondering what "good" or "bad" things you have to say about jw.
i have been a jw all my life and my husband too.
right now i'm in the process of getting out... or fading away....i'm not attending the meetings anymore.
Hi Layla Welcome! Enjoy your stay here.
Liked your post at least you saw the light !!!!!!!
That was sweet about your husband.