JoinedPosts by schnell
awake 12/8/2004 p 28
by gerry injust doing research and came across this.. i know this is old however.
here we have a worldly organisation distributing pamphlets and warning parents about child abuse.. last point in particular.
3) inform the child that what happened is against the law and that it is necessary to report it to the police so that it will not happen again.. pretty straight forward if you ask me.. watchtower were happy to use that in their magazine.
Hypocrites!!! -
So when will the Society produce a comedy video on JWorg?
by stuckinarut2 inso according to 1 tim 1:11 jehovah is supposed to be a "happy god".. so when will we see "his people" produce a comedy video of some sort for the website?.
if you could propose an idea or storyline, what would it be?.
Hey guys! Remember when God gave the Assyrians hemorrhoids?! LOLOLOLOL.
Hey guys! Remember when Elijah said Ba'al must be on the privy?! WHAT A RIOT!
Hey guys! Remember when Boaz woke up with a lady in his bed? HOHO WOULDN'T WANNA BE HIM! LOL!
So when will the Society produce a comedy video on JWorg?
by stuckinarut2 inso according to 1 tim 1:11 jehovah is supposed to be a "happy god".. so when will we see "his people" produce a comedy video of some sort for the website?.
if you could propose an idea or storyline, what would it be?.
The problem is that Jehovah's witnesses are ripe for mockery and satire. The lame sort of in-jokes and levity that you see in assemblies would result in mockery and satire as quickly as you can say "YouTube".
Ya know who I can hardly stand now? Brian Regan. I have nothing against Brian Regan. I'm sure he's a nice guy, and he seems like he could be. But he's like the goto stand-up comedy that JWs put on Netflix or YouTube when they have people over.
One brother said straight up, "Jim Gaffigan? He cusses doesn't he?" And thus he chose Brian Regan and his wild onstage antics, which are fine for what they are but are also clearly a clean comedy niche.
Knock knock."Who's there? Two elders!!
by Darkknight757 inso today was a cold and snowy day in my neck of the woods and the wife and i were just chilling around the house waiting to go to the church tonight for a candle lighting service when lo and behold we get a knock on the door.
yup, 2 elders from my old hall.
i figured they were fishing for some time so i invited them in and gave them some coffee and we talked about everything that happened and why we walk away from the jw's.
If they look it up, they might say that Genesis 1 is written from the perspective of an earthly observer (for some reason) and that there were "swathing bands" that obscured the light that was already there... Eh, they won't understand it, but yeah.
Possible new light on 70 years
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini may be reading more into this than is there, but here is what i've spotted from today's watchtower study (oct 2016 study edition) page 14 paragraph 8. concerning daniel it says "thus, some 70 years after his arrival in babylon, he was still known by his hebrew name" referring to an event in the first year of darius ie 539/538 bce.
however, according to the wtbts chronology daniel went to babylon in 617 bce - more like 80 years earlier.
could this (finally) be a step towards ditching 607?.
If they just did the same doctrine but moved it up 20 years -- 587 BCE to 1934 CE and ditch 1914 -- that would have at least spared them the overlapping generations nonsense.
But, eh. Too much egg on the face.
So I bought a Harold Camping book.
by schnell in
i found this at goodwill along with volume 2 of the mahabharata.
call me eclectic.. i first learned about camping in 2011, when i saw his ridiculous billboard on i-8 in san diego about the world ending that december.
Camping died in December of 2013. I am due to make corrections for accuracy's sake, and I apologize for not doing so sooner. My mistake.
Camping predicted Judgment Day for September 6, 1994. I previously wrote September 15.
Camping later predicted the world would end on October 21, 2011. I previously wrote December of 2011.
Camping discusses a day for a year on page 451 of "1994?", and endorses the idea as scriptural. Don't they all.
By the way. Just in case it wasn't at all obvious for anyone, I didn't send any money to Family Ministry or Family Radio. The book was $1.99 at a second hand thrift store. It probably cost too much.
So I bought a Harold Camping book.
by schnell in
i found this at goodwill along with volume 2 of the mahabharata.
call me eclectic.. i first learned about camping in 2011, when i saw his ridiculous billboard on i-8 in san diego about the world ending that december.
Oh yes, Russell's days with the Second Adventist movement are well documented and admitted. Jehovah's witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists, in terms of evolution, are Millerites.
wt on a slide, " 1914's generation is not only overlapping, but also composite.
by prologos indoctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
2114? Why that's just 2 years after
The Evils of Aluminum
by NeonMadman inaluminum was an issue that became a real “tempest in a teapot” for the watchtower.
it influenced their teaching for almost 50 years and, frankly, created an impression among observers that their members were off-the-wall fanatics.
for all those years, the golden age and other watchtower publications took the position that aluminum cookware and utensils were one of the great health hazards of the 20th century.
So I bought a Harold Camping book.
by schnell in
i found this at goodwill along with volume 2 of the mahabharata.
call me eclectic.. i first learned about camping in 2011, when i saw his ridiculous billboard on i-8 in san diego about the world ending that december.
There was at least one suicide due to the failure of Camping's 2011 prediction. Many people gave their life savings to his company, and got what in return?
I agree, Finkelstein. As I woke up, I noticed Jehovah's witnesses make a lot of the same arguments in certain topics as "Christendom". I expected a bit more distinction, and there is that in some regards, but how do I differentiate between one end-of-days crackpot and another when they're both citing the same things? Likewise for creationism.