The point or intent this guy was probably trying to infer is that people are crazy in consequence of being in this wicked old system of things but once they have experienced being engaged with Jah's earthly organization, they revert from that craziness into a state of happy emotional bliss. or what some describe being spiritually uplifted.
He was all over the place. In context, we were talking about the child abuse scandal, which made it that much more bizarre. I was personally upset when he said it, and he was the one laughing about the crazy people in the hall.
He's an older man than I and he's aware of most things I bring up, though not all the details. In his case, I feel like he's been trying to wake up for years, and he's holding onto anything he can, so he comes to me because he sees a lot of himself in me and wants to validate his choice to stay by trying to "encourage" me.
This is the same friend who told me that Losch put his arm around him and said, "...but look at all the things we've gotten right!"