You actually have to qualify more to hand people mics
Is that so?
i've always wondered about this.
when a person believes they made a spiritual connection with god and proclaims themselves as anointed, how do they determine whether this person is anointed or not.
does a group of elders look at the person's spiritual resume and check off the person's pioneer stats, bible knowledge, attendance, work ethic, personality, etc and then believe in the person if they have a good track record?
You actually have to qualify more to hand people mics
Is that so?
necessary as it is at times, i hate this word.
for one thing, "ones" is a plural form of the number 1. that is dumb, and it's reason enough to avoid it where it isn't entirely necessary.. one could argue that it never is necessary, but it can still come up in colloquial dialogue when discussing objects.
jw leaders use it to discuss people.. interestingly, jws even did this to jesus christ in their own translation of the bible, referring to him in ephesians 1:7 with "through the blood of that one" where another translation would say something like "through his blood".
Well, JWs are historically pretty weird.
my wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
Watchtower's a helluva drug.
an atheist (never jw) friend of mine is an rv for a jw who he is trying to deprogram.
he started this totally on his own and just telling me about it.
it's quite amusing what he comes up with.. point 1: why the s & m stuff with foreskins?
I remember at one of the last meetings I attended, they were discussing this topic in the watchtower study. They called on a little girl in the audience and she began commenting in detail on the difference between circumcision of the heart and literal circumcision. I thought it was pretty creepy and wondered what a new person visiting might think hearing a little girl go into such detail on that topic.
Oh christ, WHY would the conductor call on a little girl for that?!
necessary as it is at times, i hate this word.
for one thing, "ones" is a plural form of the number 1. that is dumb, and it's reason enough to avoid it where it isn't entirely necessary.. one could argue that it never is necessary, but it can still come up in colloquial dialogue when discussing objects.
jw leaders use it to discuss people.. interestingly, jws even did this to jesus christ in their own translation of the bible, referring to him in ephesians 1:7 with "through the blood of that one" where another translation would say something like "through his blood".
"Discouraged ones." This misnomer is the set of all people put off by JW nonsense. I'm not discouraged in any way. I have no guilt or "hurt feelings". No, my fee-fees are perfectly in tact, thank you very much, because I'm free to be honest now.
"I am not a number, I am a free man."
an atheist (never jw) friend of mine is an rv for a jw who he is trying to deprogram.
he started this totally on his own and just telling me about it.
it's quite amusing what he comes up with.. point 1: why the s & m stuff with foreskins?
They're "circumcised in heart". Whatever the hell that means, slavery I guess.
A Nigerian tabloid with 305 Twitter followers. I'm not holding my breath.