Earth already existed- before the Creative 'Days'- but was a "waste'.
First- Light to reach the Earth (source not specified)
Second- Plant life
Third- Animal Life
Last- man. Formed from the ground. No 'immortal soul'.
Not, as in religions of that time, a drop of blood from battling Gods becoming the first man.
Not a fish becoming a monkey becoing a man...with female versions evolving at the same rate side by side...
I like how this person says it goes along with science, and then goes against science.
I like how this person says it isn't like the other religions at the time, when it is comparable to the Enuma Elish, which takes place over 7 tablets and has a new generation of gods creating on each tablet. On the 6th tablet, the gods create man so that the gods on 7th tablet can rest. The Hebrew bōhū and tōhū translated "formless and void" are also comparable to the violence of the behemoth Apsu and Tiamat.
But hey, you wanna believe this bullshit's the truth, you'll leap tall buildings in a single bound to get there.