While I have no family in the WTBT$, I was recently upped at a park by one zealous lady. I listened to her for a bit then asked bout the Kenite Hypothesis as well as Finklestein's view of the establishment of the nation of Israel. This left her in a quandry, so I elucidated both and asked how long she'd been a JW and she said for almost 15 years ( I, myself, have been out for 20 ). I told her I was disassociated, suggested she study thoroughly using comparative Bibles such as the NRSV and NIV and that she should historically research the date 607 B.C.E.
She took off like a scalded cat and even exited the park ( evil grin )
Heh. Unfortunately for them, they do NOT know more about the Bible or Judah and Israel than anyone else on the planet. Yeah, guys, Israel has been studied for over a century, and what we know contradicts the claims of JWism and Bible literalism in general.