Maybe Noah had a giant wife. Maybe that's how they built the thing.
The two rows of teeth must have been a bitch, though.
why didn't god also reveal himself to the canaanites just as he did to moses in the burning bush so that the massacre/genocide of the canaanites could have been avoided?.
why didn't god also invite the native palestinians into his covenant, giving them the same laws he gave the israelites, and establish an egalitarian society where people of all races could live together in harmony?.
instead, he ordered his people to invade and slaughter the natives, killing them to the last man, woman and child, specifically instructing them to show no mercy to anyone under any circumstances.
Maybe Noah had a giant wife. Maybe that's how they built the thing.
The two rows of teeth must have been a bitch, though.
i was never a jw , so have millions of questions .
please, how does an elder become an elder and how much trust does or should a jw put in an elder .?
No, I've had plenty of nice elders and some great overseers. They're usually just misled, and they really want this to be the truth.
My experience with bethelite special pioneers and "Society men" has been pretty damp. Overworked, out of touch, and it shows.
I don't see them as all arrogant bastards. Mostly I just see them as dorks.
so sunday afternoon tea with my "anionted" mum and her old witness holy friends.
they start talking trump how he "is gonna do somthing to start armegedon.
" no sad faces about this apocalipse.
@Village Idiot, and furthermore, they point to things like Russia's opposition to the organization there.
Why? The organization is supposed to survive and preach to the ends of the earth. They're supposed to survive the attack on all the other religions.
So stupid, all of it.
with recent events pointing at watchtower growth, i felt compelled to say a few words.. if the figures turn out to be true, then we should not be discouraged.
after 9/11 there was a surge in, not only the watchtower, but other demonisation of organised religion.
whenever there is a a paradigm shifting event that puts fear into others, this tends to have a life changing affect on an individual.. now let us zoom to the present.
"The territory here sucks," say a lot of people here. Indeed, territories like this one seem to have met their carrying capacity. They're tapped out.
Most baptisms I have seen at the assemblies have been born in kids. Most adults who convert to the cult seem to have the same story, that they were vulnerable in one way or another. Possibly spouses of JWs.
The videos shown at the door and in cart witnessing reek of cult. "What if there was an evil force pulling the strings?" I like that line, because I like to think that whoever wrote it had been watching a few too many Marvel movies and got excited. As an introductory video to a religion, it makes you look insane.
And, Deuteronomy 18:20-22.
so sunday afternoon tea with my "anionted" mum and her old witness holy friends.
they start talking trump how he "is gonna do somthing to start armegedon.
" no sad faces about this apocalipse.
i was never a jw , so have millions of questions .
please, how does an elder become an elder and how much trust does or should a jw put in an elder .?
Giordano's right. It's hilarious that, possibly as an attempt to bridge this gender gap in the congregation, the school was changed so that brothers give demonstration parts too. The best sisters can hope for and even do hope for is to become an elder's wife.
And what a life, to be an elder's wife.
at the recent circuit assembly in our area (nov 19/2016) a talk was given in the afternoon entitled “jehovah will resurrect the dead” it’s clear that the prohibition on blood is not going away anytime soon.
many of us here have expressed the hope that this death dealing policy would be softened or become a complete conscience matter.
not the case, jw’s are urged to not give in and to focus on the resurrection hope.
It is going away in my household. I'm not sacrificing my children to Yahweh.
why didn't god also reveal himself to the canaanites just as he did to moses in the burning bush so that the massacre/genocide of the canaanites could have been avoided?.
why didn't god also invite the native palestinians into his covenant, giving them the same laws he gave the israelites, and establish an egalitarian society where people of all races could live together in harmony?.
instead, he ordered his people to invade and slaughter the natives, killing them to the last man, woman and child, specifically instructing them to show no mercy to anyone under any circumstances.
not playing their game, as i've learned here.
they came to my door to find me with a full beard and a nightmare before christmas hoody, playing a video game where the characters "do not act according to bible principles", and i happily answered the door.
i simply smiled and told them no when they asked if i have a minute.
Thank you, LongHairGal. I'm so glad I came to this site and learned all that I have.
i have always been told as a jw that trinitarians, particularly baptists, are just the worst people to argue with out in service.
i have always been told it was the world with a veil over their eyes.
the hypocritical irony is that so many witnesses are completely stubborn and willing to believe in magic before they believe anything against their dogma.
Being confident about your position is fine, but the one who knows provable history will always win the trinity debate.
The plurality of the Jewish God according to the Hebrew scriptures is unassailable. The belief that the Savior would be God, himself, in the flesh has much explicit scriptural support.
I hope this thread hasn't gotten people thinking that I would necessarily argue one way or the other about the Trinity. I don't. As I said earlier, I actually find the history of Jewish and Christian theology to be interesting, especially about the positions JWs so despise.
To quote Richard Dawkins:
"How did the Greeks, the Romans and the Vikings cope with such polytheological conundrums? Was Venus just another name for Aphrodite, or were they two distinct goddesses of love? Was Thor with his hammer a manifestation of Wotan, or a separate god? Who cares? Life is too short to bother with the distinction between one figment of the imagination and many. " Read more: