There is one YouTube apostate whose videos are reminiscent of Heath Ledger's Joker. Entertaining or not, I'm not about to show his videos to my wife or family.
I will offer legitimate criticism: As much frustration might be in your system, as much as you don't want to be judged anymore and as much as you don't care, if your goal is to get a message out to people, then do try to make it at least palatable.
No, not everyone is going to do that. I get it and it's entertaining sometimes. Even I cuss as I write because that's part of who I am and I want to show that kind of freedom. (That's not to say I cuss or behave like an idiot around all polite company. No, I try to be respectful.)
All that said, there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from doing this. It's to be expected. You squeeze these people long enough, eventually they will burst. This is what you get when that happens. Some are able to offer a calm, slow-paced criticism of JW scandals, norms and beliefs. Others sound like they're rigging Gotham City up with bombs and happy gas.