Did I miss if you were baptized? My daughter 17 just a few months ago told her dad that she doesn't intend on staying a JW after she is 18. She is not baptized (thank goodness...) Dad is still a believer, I am not but still attend.
Of course it has been hard. Hardest of all for my daughter is that she loves her dad, and knows that he wonders if he was a bad father because of her not wanting to stay at the KH. But... because dad is a good man, he recognizes that she has not been happy for a long time. That is because she has been pretty honest with us about feeling left out, feeling pressured, never feeling good enough. He knows she hasn't been happy, and there is a part of him that very much wants her to be.
There have been lots of discussions, stressful but necessary. She has shared with him that he really did teach her to love God, and to try to be a good person, and that will always be with her. She just has to find her own way, and she doesn't plan on running amok to do so.
We have worked together to set parameters of what is acceptable or not in our house. Dad is not expecting her to continue going to meetings, and he is aware and prepared to take the flak for that from the elders. He does expect her to still adhere to some basic values - no drinking, no drugs, no blatant sexual activity that he has to confront. We are working it through. If she doesn't want to honor those, then after high school graduation she needs to start making some plans. She won't be kicked out, but understands that won't be best here and she will need to find her own place. Otherwise, she can stay here as long as she wants/needs to.
Just wanted to share that it doesn't always end with a kid getting kicked out. Real love sometimes wins out.
Good luck!