Hmmm on the flood and many other issues on the bible try this site they have an entire section opn the flood and this guy is a christian. he even has a theory on who Adam was.
i just wondered who actually runs this website,
is it ray franz?.
i found the article on the possibility that the flood was likely only in the messataponia region interesting,especially that arat would have had a different meaning to the present mountain of arat in turkey.
Hmmm on the flood and many other issues on the bible try this site they have an entire section opn the flood and this guy is a christian. he even has a theory on who Adam was.
i have a sign in my front yard on a main highway.
it reads, "no child molesters,".. last night evidently, someone took the sign.
now i live one mile from the kingdom hall, do you think it could have been jw's?
Often I post tongue in cheek on some posts, but this one gets me. Now I respect what Bill is doing and what he attempting to do for kids, but I have a real problem with this statement:
find it interesting how a simple joke post can be turned into a vendetta against wt. I simply made a suggestion based in circumstantial evidence. I have never suggested any desire to destroy the wt organization.Perhaps you should
in about 2 or 3 weeks i'll be stepping down as a ms and leaving the wts for good.
but before i do so i'm trying to prepare some information in regards to the 607 date and numerous false prophecies (predictions).
in particular i was hoping someone could give me some information on the following:.
The link has a lot of info that AlanF has posted about the 607 date as well as others, he did a very good job of research on it through a historical aspect. It is a must read for anyone wanting to have a good discussion on 607 ect.
i don't know if this q has been brought up on the forum, if so i apoligize, but i was just thinking about this today, and wondered how many here left or are thinking about or trying to leave the b-org as result of the un fiasco?
how many do you know of that left due to this?.
Ginosko wrote
Are you as a group better that the JW's ? Are you showing godly devotion acts ? Do you think that you have a better relation with God ? or to the ones that don't beleives in God, Do you have better qualities with your husband or wifes and sons ? Don't give more information about the JW, I think that I have enought, tell me about yourselfs as individuals. Are you happiers ? Do you think that you know God better ? Don't you fell alone ? What do other people that are not JW say about you, do they see that you are a better person ?
Am I better then a JW? if that is what I understand to be your first Q. Hmmmm better in some aspects yes I personally do, I have no one crontroling my life (well except for my wife but that's their job LOL), I mean I am not told Do not read this and that, do not question this and that, stay inline or else ect. so yeah I feel I am better. Not to say there are not some good JW's out there becasue there are.
Relationship with god? I have no belief in God, many that are former JW's still beleive in God many do not. So I have no relationship with any god.
Hmmm better family life? Yes very, my JW wife was a drunk, But that was not the JW's fault. But I would have had to stay with her and that was not going to happen, she prefered the booze to family life.
Am I happy? Very happy. (I live on a tropical island why shouldn't I be happy?)
Alone?? Nope not at all, I have a great many friends and aquantences a family and such. I recieve a lot of respect from them and return it too.
How my friends see me now? Aside from the above, they see me as a walking encyclopedia and respect me very much. (they like my cooking too he he he).
i don't know if this q has been brought up on the forum, if so i apoligize, but i was just thinking about this today, and wondered how many here left or are thinking about or trying to leave the b-org as result of the un fiasco?
how many do you know of that left due to this?.
Welcome to the board Ginosko, and congrats on the exit, I hope it goes well for you.
...some ancient wisdom this way comes?
pulling over from another thread.... i'm curious how many have dabbled in witchcraft/spiritism after leaving the jws.
or, perhaps, before joining.. i'm curious what experiences have been had.
Hi Arachnia,
I see you have a quote from Kahlil Gabran as you signature, I really like some of his work.
i'd like to make a few points which i know i will be eaten alive for, but here goes...... is there really a devil?.
history of religion has always believed in the devil, but has portrayed him in different lights....he himself transforms into an angel of light, making something that is evil seem innocent and fun.
his best ploy: having people believe he don't exist...this is to his own advantage.. he is a malignant enemy of god and man!
OH I forgot, the apostate thing, I wanted to make a clear point. Violet has said she is on her way to becoming a full fleged memeber of the B-org, and according to the meaning of apostacy, that makes her one our fellow apostates. So welcome to the club Violet, you ol' postate you.
i'd like to make a few points which i know i will be eaten alive for, but here goes...... is there really a devil?.
history of religion has always believed in the devil, but has portrayed him in different lights....he himself transforms into an angel of light, making something that is evil seem innocent and fun.
his best ploy: having people believe he don't exist...this is to his own advantage.. he is a malignant enemy of god and man!
The devil as we know him from the bible, has not always been involved in religon all through history. There have been many gods at times that were troublesome but not as the devil is to a judeo/christian/muslim, the devil from the bible is actually a beleif taken from the Zoroastrian beleif and the jews sucked that one right up and made it part of their beleifs. Most of the pagan beleifs do not have a satanic type of god involved in their beleifs to blame when something does not go right. Some do have gods that are not always very nice, but not satanic. Eventhe Satanists do not have a god that is satanic. It's just a crutch for someone to use, I prefer to blame myself if something goes wrong,not some mythological god/fallen angel.
i don't know if this q has been brought up on the forum, if so i apoligize, but i was just thinking about this today, and wondered how many here left or are thinking about or trying to leave the b-org as result of the un fiasco?
how many do you know of that left due to this?.
Well, it was a shock to me when I heard about it, and evedently it was a big to the WTS at one point, otherwise they would have never denied it and then made up a story as to why they were, when they got caught red handed.
...some ancient wisdom this way comes?
pulling over from another thread.... i'm curious how many have dabbled in witchcraft/spiritism after leaving the jws.
or, perhaps, before joining.. i'm curious what experiences have been had.
Actually very true gsx, I guess I was more refering to what you had indicated about it as a representation of the energy, and that is where I sort of got off. Maybe it's still the ol' B-org thing in me LOL.