I have really not made up my mind about the Deundes, I hear stories about them, and there is a lot of fear of parents for their young children because of them. Many Catholic parents will not take their children out at night, until they have been Christened in the church, but as I mentioned I have not seen them nor have I heard anyone I know that has, they only have related stories of others they know, sort of a friend of a friend story.
The taotaomunas, do at times befriend people, not necessarally just elderly, my 14 yo son had one as a protector, my wife chewed him out one time and woke up late that night to see the form of a man standing in our bedroom doorway, that looked like the description that he gave us for his taotaomuna. She took that sighting as a message that the spirit didn't agree with her actions during the day in dealing with my son. I also have a woman that works for me that has one that follows her almost everywhere. Some of the spirits can seem to move around freely from village to village, but most seem to only travel with in the village areas, and if you leave the village they cannot follow.
Yes large rock out croppings is also another place that they are said to inhabit, during road construction if a huge rock has to be moved, many locals will not touch it and have to get someone else to do it. There are some roads that are rerouted around the banyon trees or rock outcrops to avoid disturbing them out of respect of the taotaomunas. It's strange to see a small road split to avoid a tree.