An interesting article taken from about presidents and the christian religion, he post a new article ever February on this subject:
- THE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA....Vol 2, p420, 1968 Mortimer J. Adler, editor in chief "Great issues in American Life" quote: "One of the embarrassing problems for the nineteenth century champions of the Christian faith was the fact that not one of the first six presidents of the United States was a Christian. They were Deists."
- DEISM...There is no personal God, but only an impersonal force, energy, 'providence' Jesus was nothing more than a nomadic teacher and the bible is nothing but literature and bad literature at that filled with thousands of contradictions and falsehoods.
- GEORGE WASHINGTON approved the Treaty of Tripoli. The "Philadelphia Gazette" on June 17, 1797 printed the entire 12 articles of the Treaty with the notice that the Senate and President JOHN ADAMS had approved the Treaty UNANIMOUSLY. Not even one dissenting vote. Article 11 of that printed treaty begins with this statement: "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOT, IN ANY SENSE, FOUNDED ON THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION."
- GEORGE WASHINGTON "Being no bigot, I am disposed to HUMOR Christian ministers and the church. hoping that their fights will not endanger the peace of society" (Ltr. to Sir Edward Newenham).
- JOHN ADAMS..."The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus has made a convenient cover for absurdity. Creeds, Confessions, Doctrines and Oaths are all trumpery." In the "Jefferson-Adams" Letters they both constantly joke about the stupidity of the Doctrine of the Trinity. "This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it." Jefferson-Adams Letters
- THOMAS JEFFERSON "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools...and the other half hypocrites." (Ltr. to Thomas Whitmore) "Christian creeds and doctrines, the clergy's own fatal inventions, through all the ages has made of Christendom a slaughter house" Notes on Religion, passed in the Assembly of Virginia, 1786
- JAMES MADISON Father of the Constitution and Bill of Rights: "During 15 centuries, the legal establishment of Christianity has been on trial. What have been the fruits of this trial? In all places, pride and indolence in the clergy...ignorance and servility in the laity...and in both clergy and laity...superstition, bigotry and persecution." (From his speech to the General Assembly of Virginia, 1785) "A just government instituted to perpetuate liberty does not need the clergy or the church." (From the same speech)
- ABRAHAM LINCOLN though not a founding president shared exactly the same views. That most brilliant Pulitzer Prize biography of this giant is Carl Sandburg's "Abraham Lincoln." in which he writes that "Lincoln's views were such as would place him entirely outside of Christianity. Lincoln found Christian dogma and doctrine repugnant." In a letter to the clergy of Washington D.C., he stated: "The bible is not my book..nor Christianity my religion."
A few gems that you might add to your Founding Presidents collection:
- EMILE ZOLA "Civilization will thrive when the last stone...from the last church...falls on the head of the last priest."
- RALPH WALDO EMERSON "Christian creeds and doctrines are a disease of the intellect."
- SUPREME COURT OF WISCONSIN, Weiss vs. District Board, March 18, 1890..."The Source and cause of fights and malignancy, persecution, wars and all religion. Let it once enter our public schools and they would be destroyed."
Presidents Month is a celebration of Deism. The Deism of the brilliant authors of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. One of the most destructive characteristics of our contemporary world is the deliberate, conscious, falsification and invention of histories to suit an immediate political agenda and purposes. It is impossible to have an honest future until we are first honest about our past.
The entire article can be found here
About him can be found here
And all of his articles on many religious subjects can be found here, they are a very interesting read
Happy reading