Yahoo will not let direct links to toher servers, I've tried a few times and get some message saying they do not allow outside server links.!+photo+album/slflag.jpg?bcaja38agud3mry0
Yahoo will not let direct links to toher servers, I've tried a few times and get some message saying they do not allow outside server links.
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
Actually from what I have gathered from most mormans I have spoken with the 7 heavens are not all perminant places to be in the after life, if you play your cards right, you can move up. They accept hell as a place of torment, but not a perminant place you can be out of there nad move up the ladder to the heavens. As far a being Gods well tha's not quite accurate, but close. They beleive they will be come (those in the 7th heaven) more like cheiftons, lesser gods (more or less higher angels) so to speak and they do not get their own planet although they do get responsibilities and charges. I spoke with a morman that discribed it more like many pagan beleiv in a reincarnation, but theirs goes on in the heavens.
I actually respect much of their efforts in the Humanitarian areas. Unlike the Dubs, they do take care of their own. They actually have their own Welfare system of sorts, if you are down in life they get together and help bring you out and never have to repay, except to pay by helping when your help is needed. I have a much higher respect for them then the JW's by far. But their beliefs are kinda strange too. But then again most xtians feel my beleifs are pretty wierd too.
machislop posted a quote from a watchtower on a thread that went something like this:.
"....c. t. russell was patently of that governing body back there in the last quarter of the nineteenth century.".
excuse me, but the expression "back there" makes the governing body sound like a bunch of backwood hicks.
Have you all been gone for so long you forgot??? They speak the pure language
And I quote:
Watchtower Jan. 15, 1991
All need to be concerned about learning and speaking the pure language, for only those doing so will survive Armageddon.May 1, 1991
Only those who learn and speak the pure language will be joyful survivors.So this means you have no business telling them how to speak or write as they have a pure language as apposed to your flawed English.
i'm currently separated from my wife.
i told the elders that it ain't the truth and they told me to shape up or ship out (that's the very short version) my wife's loyal to the org.
and i don't want to be an apostate in my own home.
The only thing that changed in my moral values is that I didn't find my desires wrong any more. I have no problems with having sex outside of my marrage, but in my case I always ask my wife if it is ok first........ wierd HUH? but I do. Although that is not for a huge part of the population, however, in the case of being seperated, If it is not ok with one spouse it is not ok. Also as far as waiting until papers are files I disagree, it should be a mind set as to what you and her want. If there is no chance you are going back to her and the org, then it matters not if you have a fling, but if you don't care if you get back together and are willing to tell the Kangaroo Kourt to kiss yer....... then, it again matters not.
did anyone have to undergo this?
especially as a teen.
i have 2 cousins (different states, different congs) who got caught fornicatin' and had to appear before the elders.
ROFLMFAO......... they wanted me to go to one, for the same reason..... I told em to stuff it up their..... well you get the picture..... But in hind sight I wish I had gone, I never knew they asked all those detailed Q's...... I would tell them all in explicit detail now and watch to see which elder get's the boner first.
ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha
P.S. I now this is perhaps serious, but I have to laugh when I think about the Q's they ask. Sounds like something out of a Penthouse mag.
last night's bookstudy again focused on the date of 1919 and how it was proof that god's favor was directed towards the bible students.
this week the wts compared themselves to the jews when they were released from babylon.
basically they talked about how the jews were discplined by jehovah when babylon destroyed jerusalem and took them hostage.
Amazing has pretty much of the Rutherford trial transcript posted here in the forum here are the links:
part 1
part 2a
part 3
part 4a
part 5a
It appears he never finished the series, but if these are not enough to show you that the WTS is lieing about the trial and such, drop him a line he may be able to help you further.
jane doe once upon a time had a dream life, she had the perfect man, who would've done anything for her, and did everything just for her, loved her wholeheartedly, dedicating the rest of his life to make her happy.
well, one day joe blow comes along, and sweeps jane off her feet, w/ his delightful smile and his vivacious personality--and jane starts to get confused: she has deeps feeling for john doe, but she just can't resist this joe blow.
somehow, in the middle of ruining her dream life--the nice house, loving, caring person to share it with, she finds herself totally smittened by joe blow, and starts thinking about him more than she thinks about her john doe dude.
HEY!!! I'm a guy!!! I think it is possible. Don't catagorize me with that other male speicies. J/K
jane doe once upon a time had a dream life, she had the perfect man, who would've done anything for her, and did everything just for her, loved her wholeheartedly, dedicating the rest of his life to make her happy.
well, one day joe blow comes along, and sweeps jane off her feet, w/ his delightful smile and his vivacious personality--and jane starts to get confused: she has deeps feeling for john doe, but she just can't resist this joe blow.
somehow, in the middle of ruining her dream life--the nice house, loving, caring person to share it with, she finds herself totally smittened by joe blow, and starts thinking about him more than she thinks about her john doe dude.
Ahhhh......... "New Light" LOL, Well under these circumstances, fat chance. It may be possible, very slim though, but she threw it away and left john standing high and dry. But I think she'd better move on and chock it up to learning expierence. Not an easy thing to do I suppose, but she did throw it away once, and for what? Another wasted relationship, with someone that really didn't care for her anyway.
pick one!
only one!...the main business of the wtbts is: (1)religion (2)publishing (2) real estate.
Actually, the WTB&TS were not started as a religion, they were started by Charlie as a publishing company to publish his writings. The International Bible Students were actually the religion part, but they were really loose knit groups and not an organisation as the Jdubs are today. So actually the order that it developed would have been started out as a publisher(Charlies part)-then religion(Rutherfords part)-real estate(Rutherford/Knorr/Franz).
But what I really think the WTB&TS does is launder money, through the religion scam to fill their own pockets. One of these days I would not doubt to see them get caught importing some counterban stuff.
I mean come on they are above mans laws this is Jehobahs Org and these are his appointed ambassadors, who have imunity from mans laws.
jane doe once upon a time had a dream life, she had the perfect man, who would've done anything for her, and did everything just for her, loved her wholeheartedly, dedicating the rest of his life to make her happy.
well, one day joe blow comes along, and sweeps jane off her feet, w/ his delightful smile and his vivacious personality--and jane starts to get confused: she has deeps feeling for john doe, but she just can't resist this joe blow.
somehow, in the middle of ruining her dream life--the nice house, loving, caring person to share it with, she finds herself totally smittened by joe blow, and starts thinking about him more than she thinks about her john doe dude.
Yes it is possible, but now we have the situation that jane needs to decide, as it is obvious john will not accept a triad relationship as I also have a feeling that joe will not either. So if she wants her family life, she then has to dump joe and convince john that it is over and she will not do this again, it will not be an overnight thing, it may even take a few years, but with watching the ol' P's and Q's she can have it back. HOWEVER, joe as well would not trust her if she decided to go to him, as she decieved to get there. So either way she is in a bind. But also joe and john may not want her, so she may have to start all over again.
If it was a young relationship it would be harder to get the union back together, as opposed to a long trusting relationship.
Now Don't get the feeling I encourage cheating on your mate, as I do not, I feel it is totally wrong, but to me cheating is having an affair using deception to have it. Also if your gonna have a fling with another person it had better be Ok with your mate. If it is not then it is wrong.