Here are a few links to the writings themselves
I have others somewhere, if you are interested
was watching a history channel program last night (yeah, i'm a history channel geek!
) and was introduced for the first time in my life to the apocryphal books of the bible?!?!?!?!?
Here are a few links to the writings themselves
I have others somewhere, if you are interested
truth book (1981), page 52:.
of the resurrection to heavenly life, the bible says: it is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body.
*** the watchtower, march 15th 1954 issue, page 187 ***.
First of all, if Jesus is not The Christ, then we all need to throw away the entire New Testament, because it is all full of lies!
Umm did you ever consider that it is a pack of lies, and Yehsuah (Jesus to you Christians) never did walk the earth, ever never?? How could such a GREAT miricale worker have gone unnoticed, by the current day historians of that day?? That's like saying nobody noticed Hitler, or wait hold on how about Edgar Cayce, Heck Cayce, did less then Jesus and yet he is known almost world wide and has historical evidence. Jesus if he did live was not "God" or the "Son of God"
report: army chaplain refuses water unless troops baptized
posted: 8:34 a.m. edt april 9, 2003 .
washington -- the president of the interfaith alliance says he's "appalled" at reports that a military chaplain in iraq wouldn't give troops water unless they agreed to be baptized.
UPDATE: [4/08/03] The Houston Chronicle reports that Chaplain Llano is now under investigation by the Army for his little scheme. The move comes after the Army was deluged with outraged emails and phone calls demanding action. While casting doubts on the accuracy of the Miami Herald report -- which was, of course, written by an on-the-scene reporter and included direct quotes from Llano -- Maj. Gen. Gaylord T. Gunhus, the chief of the Chaplain Corps, confirmed he has instructed top chaplain officials to "look into" the affair.
This story, of the idiot Chaplin, was originally published in the Miami Hearld
from al jazeera, are chrsitian evangelists eyeing iraq?
i can only speak about jw but knowing them they don't miss a chance to convert over all those godless heathens: .
are christian evangelists eyeing iraq?.
Well...... check out the A** wipes that in my opnion should have been exicuted in Afganastan, those "GREAT Christians" that were doing relief work were on the news and they were not "PREACHING" but when it fully came out they were. Sorry but christains are two faced and do not follow the rules
a while ago, i think abaddon and others asked for secular accounts for christ's resurection in response to something i wrote.
i believe i stated that if jesus didn't rise from the dead, everything else in christianity would be moot.
in a book called can christianity be proven?
There are 2 or more main problems with the Josephus passage that really should be considered when trying to use him as a reliable source as evidence for a historical Jesus.
1st: He was not even a flicker in his momma's eye when Jesus is purported to have walked the earth, so everything he wrote was hear-say on this subject, or was copied from other sources, that he himself would not have used.
2nd: He hated Christians, he despised their actions, to him they were more or less heritical and would never haved considered anything that Jesus did as "Miraculas". If he did know that Jesus performed miracles then why did he not convert, he was a Jew, and never felt that Jesus was anything of any concequence. Infact, he wrote about more then one "Christ" and really considered them all false, including Jesus of the bible.
Much of the history, prior to his birth, was copied from sources such as the bible (OT) and not much from secular sources, so often when he writes of things such as the flood and the heritage of the Hebrew peoples, he is really recanting the traditions that were set forth in the scriptures, not secular writings that other nations and peoples had written, outside of the OT. If I recall, he even relied on some of the Apocryphal writtings such as Barach and Enoch, just to name a couple.
for some, there is real fear that they must speak to the elders if they decide to stop by your house .some don't know what they will do if the elders begin questioning them.
what will you do if they want to talk to you?
LOL, not only is the answer NO! But An adjective needs to go infront of that........ HELL NO!!! When they wanted me to come to my JC meeting I had been inactive for quite a few years, Had not even been to a meeting in 3-4 years, seperated from my wife, and had moved 300 miles away from the congregation, and they wanted me to drive all that way just so they could DF me. I bassically said that if you pay my hotel, and gas to get there I would be more then happy to go, Well of course they said no they wouldn't and got kinda snooty with me, so I told them "There isn ot a single person where I live now that knows me as a JW, I am not a JW and you can take that JC meeting and shove it where the sun don't shine......... needless to say I got DF'd LMAO. If somehow they find out I am here in Guam and stop by, I will gladly talk to them on my own terms, but not theirs, and not on an offical basis, they have no authority over me in any way shape or form. Most JW's, when they stop by in the field service leave with their tails tucked between their legs. But I always make it a point to not let them know I was ever a JW. so they always come back for more, usually a different person though. TE HE HE HE.
i remember reading somewhere a quote from a wts publication that more or less said that the bible was wrong when it came to one of the regnal years or how many years a certain king had ruled.
something like that anyway(i've got to start copying and pasting or bookmarking or something).
somehow if you take the society at it's word about 607 it creates a problem with the rulership length or starting rulership date of somebody and in one of their publications it actually says something about that time period having to be incorrect.
Here is a website that has a number of articles on it and one series has the 607 subject, I can't seem to open it this morning, but if you go there you will see them. Most of the articles, on the site, were written by members of this board and I might add very well thought out and documented.
i lived through the ice storm of january 97 in quebec.
i spent 1 complete day without electricity.
it was about 25f (-5c) outside, and i had no heating.
Well here in Guam we have little worry about freezing to death, but keeping food is another story. We had 2 typhoons last year, one in July and one in December, both times the electrical distribution system was wiped out on the island. It actually is such a common occurence here that about every 3rd house owns a generator, usually a 5k, just enough for lights and keep the fridge cold. Ice is a hot item at the stores because of all the people without generator. Most people here have a gas cooktop of some sort as well.
When I was in the states (MN), we always had alternative heating in the house, but when I moved to WI I was living in the city so we didn't have that option.
if you went to someones house as a guest and they asked you to take your shoes off..would you?..would you be offended?....
does anyone know if this is proper etiquette?.
didn't know where else to post this........ my daughter was invited to a neighbors house and they requested people remove their shoes!...she never had anyone ask her that before.
Where I live it is actually the custom to take your shoes off at the door, but I know of many places it is an insult to do that (like in the carribbian), here I automatically take them of when entering unless otherwise told different.
1) jehovah is a spirit creature , you agree with this ,ok.. now let us move on , also we have been shown throughout the scriptures that jehovah god is seen as a bright light,no man has ever seen him they have only been able to see or feel his radiance,men have felt his glory,men have felt his presence,even mosess wasnot able to withstand the eminence radiating from god,.
when we look to the collection of various animals on the earth, take africa for instance,hundreds of different species,roaming around the planet earth all in specific herds ,lions monkeys, birds,zebra etc etc is this seen as a zooalogical collection placed on the planet by a supreme being.. .
look to the larger picture, what are your thoughts are humans also a part of this great collection,if man is a part of this collection ,what planet was he abducted from ,and whom done the abduction????????????????.
It's intersting that this subject came up, I was doing some research one time and came across this site for the Daughters of Ma, they call their beleifs "The Way"
It is a very interesting read