Yes UnDisfellowshipped, I have read them, and neither of those 2 were alive when Jesus was suppose to have walked the earth. Secondly At least on of those passages, that Josephus wrote, about Jesus is well accepted as a forgery.
Did you ever read Philo of Alexanderia? he did write of "current events" During the time Jesus was suppose to have been alive, he lived during that time, he was a Jew, But....... not a single word about Jesus. Justin Martin even made a comment about the lack of mention in Philo's writtings, He was actually bewildered as to how Philo could have missed any mention of Jesus. There was another Jewish Historian that lived during Jesus time (I'll have to get his name my memory slips me right now but if you want I will get it) that was in Jerusalem when Jesus Triumphant entry was made, he was there when Jesus trial was going on, and the subsequent Nailing up happened, but some how he seemed to have missed it too. One of these 2 I just mentioned was even from Jesus hometown, they were homies, But not a single word.
No writings about Jesus were written until at least 30-40 years (most more then 100 years) after the supposed death of Jesus. The ones you mentioned were not written until after 90ad, that's 60+ years