OMT: Panthiesm is a works salvation pathiesm has no consept of Grace. You guys are legalists and moralists just like the WT
Panthiesm does not have a concept of "salvation" or "grace" Panthiesm is a respect and beleif in the energy of nature, not in any particular god of "salvation", however they do often use symbols to represent the nature of things, but these things and people are not gods, they are more revered as great people or the great things in nature that the symbols represent. The misconception that christians have that, as an example, Buddah is the Buddist god is just that a misconception. He is mearly the enlightened one, and in most, if not all buddist sects one can attain the level of Buddah, it does not mean you become a "God" it mearly means you have reached enlightenment, full knowlege. Or the eagle feather or claw, in Native american religons, it is not a god and is not worshipped it is used to symbolize that part of nature and the energy that that part of nature has.
Christains say "You worship the creation not the creator" however I feel much differently, I feel you worship a theory of an invisable entity as a way to explan how things got here. I worship or respect and homage the energy that is us all and that we are all a part of, not a personage that has been passed down and evolved from one god to another through out the history of man.
As far as your quotes from the bible to prove that Jehovah, or Jesus are the "True" way, and that other gods are weak or are false gods, I am sure if you read some of the old texts from ancient reliefs and scrolls, there are many such stories of gods that did many simular things and were shown to be the most powerful. until another beleif system rolled in and eventually it died out and was replaced with another god or belief system that many time adopted much the same stories to show their god or gods to be the most powerful. Many of these have been adopted into christianity in one form or another, and are now applied to Jehovah (YHWH is now the Canaanite El) and Jesus (Yeshuah is now the Roman Mithras, and Chaldian Mithra or the ayssirain Baccus and so on). Most notably the personage of YHWH is almost idendticle to El, in every shape and form, except El was a mercyful god and YHWH exacts exclusive worship, with the threat of death, something that was not in the Canaanite concept of worship in dealing with El. All of the ones that seem to have come down to Jesus all have a very simular life history as jesus did, they were all considered savours, and many many simularities, including the Euchrist meal with the exact same meanings to the emblems, some had 12 main followers that were to be the leaders in the movement, ect ect, Baccus was also Crucified on a cross just like christendoms Jesus was, Attis on a tree.
So the use of the bible stories to prove that Jehovah is the one true almighty god is a very weak arguement. I imagine if I took a book about Superman I could prove that he was a real powerful man, by showing the stories of how he lifted up a train and blew entire mountains away with his breath. Each mythology panthieon had it stories and they were taught as true and believed by the people of that day. Oh and if you want to say "yes but those religons have died out and passed away" You are very wrong, Zoroastriaism (the beleif in Ahurah Mazda almighty god and Mithra the son god) is still practised in the middle east and India.
If you really look deep deep into most of the basic religions today, outside of native beliefs, you will find an ever so faint path back to Hinduism, that has it's roots traced back farther then any other beleif system. Even the story of the Mithical Job, mentioned inthe bible has a strange parallel to a story in the Hindu writings, as well as the stories of their savour and such. make a study of it and see for yourself, you may not change your mind, I don't expect you to, but at least open your mind and understand your religous history, rather then just look to the bible as the only source to spirtual enlightnement.