I was raised in the "Truth", and really never figured out how they had it all and no one else had any incling of an idea what was going on with the "God" thing. I was always embarrassed to tell my school friends that I was a JW and didn't do holidays and such.
JoinedPosts by seedy3
Raised in the Truth vs. New Converts
by prophecor inwhile viewing many of your experiences here, its strange to hear the problems that have resulted from many of you being in " the truth ".
i'm speaking with regard to those who've been in most of their lives and have never really known much else.
when i finally came in i had spent a majority of my life, doing the things of the world.
Yahweh: True Origin?
by New Castles ini have been researching a little on this topic and wanted to share some information i found.
its interestingly noted in the info below that israel it seems believed in several gods and not just one.. "the distribution of the god el therefore extends from 3rd century akkadian culture eastward through aram and phoenicia and downward through northern palestine to jerusalem.
yahweh, with his home in the deserts of southern levant, traveled north with the migration of the hebrews to come into competition with or displaced baal as el's traditional vizier, illustrated most clearly by psalm .
also in the Ugarate, found in Cannan, which was a religious center for the cannanites, Yahweh is spoken of as one of the sons of El, which makes him a brother of Baal. The suspicion is, that Yahweh was more worshipped in the desert then Baal, and when the desert people started to pretty much take over, he took on the quailities of El.
Also one of the psalms, is virtually word for word from a poem written by Akkenaten (spelling, too lazy to look it up right now LOL) the Heritic king of Egypt and father of King Tut. The off the wall Beleif that he had was that there was only one God, Aten. There is some suspicion that this may be the origin of the belief in a single true god.
Most of the OT, is no where near as old as it is said to be, in fact much of it is no older then about 500-600bc. The books of moses were said to have been found in a remodel of the temple, by one report I read about. So really it's hard to say what is really true on the origin of the god yahweh. The books of moses have been dated to abuot the time of 500bc, by archeology, by means of places mentioned. Some of the places mentioned in the Moses books didn't exist until around that time.
Why don't J.W.'s celebrate Thanksgiving?
by hubert inthe first holiday of the season is coming up soon, and i was wondering why j.w.
's don't celebrate it.
it's not a bilbical event, as far as i know.
little toes was pretty close, it is because it's a political holiday, and they fall back on the idea that Heysus commanded only one celibrated holiday (actually he never said you can't have holidays, but just have to do the bread breaking stuff in rememberence). So since it is a wordly holiday, they're not suppose to do it. You know the seperate yourself from the rest of mankind stuff.
Is religion and faith not possible for some?
by littletree ini ask this question because i'm starting to have the scarey feeling that i was born "faithless".
other than feeling that babies and flowers are beautiful and miraculous, i have been having the darndest time feeling 100% sure that god exists and cares.
things that religious folks say are "blessings" i just see as the product of human effort and choice, or as stuff that probably would have happened anyway.
I get the question, "Oh so you must believe in Evoloution" when I tell people that I am an Athiest. But the thing is I do not "Beleive" in evoloution or anything for that matter, I do think Evoloution has a possibility, and the short term effects are 100% proven (i.e. selective breading and such), however the long term effects are not as clear. So without "Facts" I cannot "Believe" in it as that would take faith in the unknown and I do not have faith in the unknown. Do I think man will travel to distant galaxies, Well I think it's a good possibility, but again I do not have faith, I only think it's probable. Do viruses cause colds, and the flu, yep for sure, and I don't need faith, that's fact.
God and the Concept of Time
by ezekiel3 input your waders on, we?re going in the deep end?.
jw premise: god created jesus, and then together they created everything else.. fact: time and space require at least two points to exist.
you cannot reference time or space with only one thing.. so before god created jesus, there was no way to measure time.
Well some of the posts up top were to lengthy to read this time of night, so I may be saying something that has already been said, I may back up tomorrow and read a couple of them, but my $0.02 worth is:
PREDESTINATION is a fact: God knows the whole picture. God could adjust the course of history, but would understand exactly what would happen then too.
If GOD knows the whole picture and can know how man or other creatures will act or react to given situations he therefore did a catch 22 on Adam and Eve, Plus he knew about Satan long before Satan turned evil and therefore could have avoided the entire situation by not doing any of it.
FREE-WILL is academic because God can ?fast-forward? to see your choices.
Free will is academic, I do agree, mostly because in the christian mindset Freewill is not freewill, you either are a follower or your going to hell, in the case of the Jdubs your bird food.
PERMISSION OF EVIL is non sequitur because God foresaw that result when God created the opportunity of evil (Satan, etc.)
God himself said he created evil, he created all things so therefore evil was created by god and it pretty much shows in the OT
GOD AS JUDGE: Not if all of creation has been ?framed?! Why resurrect those who will be destroyed at the end of the 1000-year reign if God could fast-forward to see who was faithful?
Who knows, how can god judge anyone if he already knows, Hmmm perhaps refer to the first item.Seedy
What does the Watchtower really think about women?
by hubert inin the watchtower book "let god be true", c. 1946, on page 24, it reads...quote.."for woman is merely a lowly creature whom god created for man as man's helper.
" unquote.
what happened to "women's lib"?
Ok which one of you women is going to do my laundry.................................... seedy ducks under the protection of the computer case
Isn't that like asking, "Is the Pope Catholic?" or maybe, "Does the bear "deficate" in the woods?"
What day was man created?
by Gadget inaccording to the bibles account of creation, there seems to be a contridiction as to when man was created.
the theory accepted by most people i've spoken to is that, according to gen 2:7, 7 and jehovah god proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul, stating that man was created on the seventh creative day.. however, genesis 1:27 states that on the 6th creative day, 27 and god proceeded to create the man in his image, in god?s image he created him; male and female he created them.. so were man created on the 6th or 7th creative day?
and if god created man on the 7th day, then later created woman from man why does the bible state that he created man and woman at the same time on the 6th day?
Man was created last Thursday. It would be Herisy to think any other way.
Apostate bastards know more about bible/god history than others.
by gumby inhow many religious people have done a critical examination on the bible/god/religion......more than an ex-dub has?
the mormons possibly.. one only has to read some of the over 1 million posts on this board, to notice how much re-search various ones have done on these subjects after leaving the dubs.
why do you suppose that is?.
My wife lays claim to being AoG, but we have been married for 10 years and I have never seenher pick up a bible as yet. Now here I am the Heritic/ahtiest/pagan and I research the bible all the time. She will not let me talk religion, even when the Mormans or Jduds come by, but I do anyway LOL. I'm just really restricted from talking religion with friends and her family when she is around.
WT legal licking its lips??
by Pork Chop inurl: sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/04/13/bagio640m811.dtl
a former member and longtime critic of the church of scientology has been ordered by a marin county judge to pay the church $500,000 for speaking out against the controversial religious movement.
superior court judge lynn duryee issued that order in a breach-of- contract lawsuit against scientology defector gerald armstrong.
scientology actually makes many of it's members sign a contract that covers 1 billion generations, I know it sounds strange, but that is to cover any incarnation that you may come back in.