(For the record, I’m agnostic who is earnestly seeking an
objective, honest and concrete hope for something greater)
“There is evidence of a Creator if you just look for it”
Many of us have heard similar sentences from believers
regarding proof of Creator, proof that their religion is
the correct one, proof that their particular sect is the right one, proof that
their individual sects interpretation of a certain religious text is the right
one, proof that their own personal interpretation of a certain religious text
is the right one; the list goes on.
In one of my previous posts, I shared the following thought
of mine:
What I find exhausting
and disheartening is that even if intelligent design was proven, the very next
forum post would be about who's intelligent designer is the true Creator.
If a new electronic device was
released and users from around the world interpreted the manual differently and
had to debate others to get their personal opinions on how to operate this
device, would the manual be very effective? Why would the manufacturers release
a product and manual that could be interpreted differently?
Why are there so many religions? Why
are there so many denominations within each?
does it have to be this complicated?
I want to add to my thoughts above:
Many around the world expend all their mental, emotional and
physical energies in just finding what their next meal will be (on top of what
is described below for those of us who are more fortunate).
Many of us who are fortunate enough to live in relative
comfort still struggle with mental, emotional and physical ailments and
limitations where just keeping afloat from the depths of depression and
physical challenges is enough to rob us of all our mental, emotional and
physical energies.
Many around the world have just enough in them to survive,
let alone live a proper life.
Therefore, many around the world do not have the ability to objectively
and honestly look for this undeniable, irrefutable proof of a Creator, every
point and minute detail presented as evidence for intelligent design (and every
point made in argument against evolution), let alone which Creator is the right
one, which religion this Creator favours, which sect within that religion this Creator
favours, which translation of the religious text of that particular sect of
that particular religion this Creator favours or is the right one, what meaning
or interpretation of a particular verse in the religious text of the particular
sect within the particular religion this Creator favors or is the right one, what
meaning or interpretation of a particular word in that particular verse in that
particular religious text of that particular sect within that particular
religion is the right one, taking into consideration translations across modern
languages and ancient languages these texts are derived from; the list goes on.
There is also the fact that many around the world are born into areas that
favor a certain faith or opinion and may never really come across anything
else, and even if they did, may not have the capacity/means/resources to study
Even if we all lived within the average human life expectancy
and had all the physical, mental, emotional, economical, scholarly/educational
time and resources on our sides to spend every waking moment in our search for Creator,
we would still not be able to TRULY, HONESTLY and OBJECTIVELY look at every
argument for or against a Creator.
Again, it is exhausting and disheartening.
In the end, it is about faith.
Even Mother Teresa
doubted her faith (see below):
If there is a personal Creator who loves us and wants our
salvation, why is it this complicated?