Thank you for taking the time to comment specifically on what I said. I appreciate that.
huh? Most of them, I would say. I'm really questioning where you are coming from here. We humans do have quite an ability to think, even in the heat of the moment. And we do. Those of us who don't, won't, or can't, just are not safe to have walking around in society.
No, human nature is to NOT think of the consequences in the heat of the moment. That's quit typical, actually. Human psychology is known in this area.
So if a mom whose child was blown to icky bits in the OKC bombing, revenged her childs death, you would consider her just as much a force of evil as McVeigh? I'm not saying it would be right, but you would consider her the same level of scum as McVeigh? Do I have this right from your statement above?
No, for her motives would be different (and even understandable). But her methods would be identical. He used force. She used force. Different motives, same methods.
Who gives a flying f*** what he wants of doesn't want. It matters not, to this discussion or any discussion beyond his last meal. Before the bombing, it would have had great relevance to any associated with him. He lost that privilege.
Oh, I thought we were talking about deterrence? With deterrence, taking into consideration what the criminal does or does not want comes into the picture. In fact, that's the whole picture of deterrence! If McVeigh has to suffer year after weary year, it reminds other would-be revolutionaries that they won't get a glorious finish as a martyr, but will slowly be forgetten to the rubbish-heap of history.
No. And why should it? No great epiphany there. Nothing particularly "revolutionary" about blowing up innocents.
On the contrary, it is a typical by-product of war. And he got this issue into the minds of millions of persons as a result. People who had never heard of these militia elements now heard of them.
I'm profoundly sorry you see me that way. You are wrong, as innocents are not in danger from me.
It was a harsh thing for me to say, but I was quite upset at your words. However, innocents are very much in danger from you, for you want to murder all murderers. Since there are persons on death row who actually are innocent, they are innocents in danger from people such as yourself. Another reason against the death penalty.
Just hope you are never accidentally and falsely accused of murder, or else you may have cause to rethink your stance on taking life when life is taken.