this is exactly what we should say when offered this experimental aborted baby containing drug, but then we are told you are not following directions from the GB
Probably a complete waste of Cntrl-V but oh well....
"They contain aborted fetal cells:
This is a misconception that appeals strongly to people who are anti-abortion. Aborted fetal cells are not contained in any of the COVID-19 vaccines, although they were used to test the vaccine. The cell line used in testing was HEK-293, which was obtained from a fetus that happened to be aborted in the 1960-1970s.[65] Contrary to what anti-vaxxers may claim, the purpose of the abortion was not to obtain the HEK cells. It makes absolutely zero sense to reject the COVID-19 vaccine based solely on the fact it was tested on HEK-293 cells, as almost all modern medicines have been tested on it. It's nearly impossible to avoid using pharmaceutical products that have not been tested on HEK cells – if using medicines/vaccines tested on them is "unethical", you can say goodbye to modern medicine. In fact, it is estimated that the top 20 medications prescribed in the US have been tested on HEK cell lines"