That's a good question. I don't know. As a woman, I never had the "privilege" of being an elder. I was a regular pioneer once and had many privileges and was looked up to in the congregation, but I still left when I suddenly woke up and realized that it wasn't the true religion it claimed to be.
As far as opinions go, I can only guess that some people might stay in it for the power and privilege, but from what I experienced, that isn't really worth it. Unless you are the top dog in that organization, there is always another dog taking a piss on you from above, and, as you know, it isn't pleasant. So no one truly enjoys the ride as elders in the Org.
How about the Governing Body? My guess is that they are really, truly duped. They have great power and wield great power, and in their instance that great power has them drunk believing that God must have given it to them--how else would they have become members of the Governing Body? Thus they believe in the fairy tale. (No dog to piss on them as they are all top dogs. So pleasant the feeling that the high makes them believe Jehovah must be in charge of their lives--blessing them especially.)
It is sort of how the kings and queens in the past believed in the divine right of kings. The Governing Body members believe the religion is true because their positions of authority have been "bestowed" upon them by Jehovah, or so they believe. This "legitimacy" is the root of their belief system, what they believe about themselves and how they see the universe. They have bought into it completely. They thus truly believe they are subject to no earthly authority (and thus can do things like protect child molesters in their ranks or avert from paying taxes, etc.). But challenge them and in those heels go into the dirt of denial....
People can be hypnotized by those who believe they are instruments of the gods. My secret hope is that the Armageddon or Return of Christ they preach does come to face them in some way and that during it they find out how wrong they were:
On the Judgment Day, many people will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and do lots of miracles in your name?’ Then I’ll tell them, ‘I’ve never known you. Get away from me, you people who do wrong.’--Matthew 7:22-23, Common English Bible.