Kim could be the biggest liar in the world and it still wouldn't change what he's admitted to publicly. I don't think she is, but he's really grasping at straws now when he's quibbling over whether he works one or two days a month. He's said himself he's used prostitutes, in several countries, that's what people object to.
JoinedPosts by CalvinistEmily
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
At this point I'm struggling to imagine what it could possibly be that's worse than what he's already admitted to. He's been entirely open about punting on a very regular basis over many years. He can say "consenting adults" all he likes, but Andrew and a few others asked him directly about trafficking and other forms of coercion and he's not answered it. That's serial rape, and he doesn't care or think it's a big deal. And in his Ukraine video a while back, he was apparently enabling arms dealing, giving out bank details for donations to buy weapons. Unless he's killed someone or his judicial committee was for some obscure extreme crime that I've never heard of, what could possibly be worse than rape and gunrunning?
Then again, this is Lloyd, what he thinks is wrong and shameful is very different from what normal people think is wrong. Maybe he forgot to use someone's preferred pronouns on Twitter or something and he thinks that's a worse crime.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's like he's rejecting Watchtower's obsession with appearances, but has gone so far the other way he's become a gross slovenly manchild. You don't have to fit the JW uniform of khakis + tucked in shirt, but if you're on camera you do need to think about how you're presenting yourself. Fateful Slave is a good example of looking put together but not in a Watchtower way: he has a longer beard and much longer hair than Lloyd, but he keeps it all neat and he looks like he's made an effort.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
IIRC the "bunker" thing was James Lloyd Evans, aka Lloyd Evans, aka John Cedars aka the reluctant owner but not master of Little Lloyd, referencing a convention video that had a bunch of witnesses hiding in a bunker during the Great Tribulation. It looks more like a cellar than a bunker, though.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Racist? Surely it's far more racist of him as a white Anglo bloke to abuse Thai and Croatian trafficking victims.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Lloyd's a punter whether he uses a green screen or not. They all deserve the rope. I've known enough prostitution survivors personally to have seen the absolute horrors that industry, and the men who patronise it, inflicts on its victims. And those are the lucky ones who got out and are still alive.
One of the big reasons my family is so emotionally reticent is that my grandmother escaped trafficking as a "comfort woman" in Semarang, her friends didn't. She was tortured in a forced labour camp for years, and she still considered herself lucky to be there instead of the brothels, because they were far, far worse. All the public whitewashing of prostitution and claims of "happy hookers" in the last few decades triggered her trauma because it sounded just like the fascist IJA. And so did Lloyd in his livestream, making excuses for what amounts to serial rape. By his own admission, he repeatedly paid to do whatever he liked to, at worst, trafficking victims, and at best, people who only "consented" because they needed the money. It's all rape, it's just different kinds/severities.
I had been a fan and supporter of Lloyd in the first place because he positioned himself as fighting sexual abuse. If he had any sense of responsibility, ethics, or empathy towards his victims, he'd do the right thing and turn himself in to the police, or he'd find some other way to make certain he couldn't rape trafficking victims ever again. I mentioned in my voicemail that my own father died when I was very young, but he was a good man; it traumatised me, but that grief is bearable. I feel terribly sorry for Lloyd's daughters having a living serial rapist for a father.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
8 days ago, there is a Video on Lloyd's Youtube chanel titled 'My 10 Steps for Ending Jehovah's Witness Abuses', he is wearing a T Shirt with the words 'Tibor is Gracious' So this manservant is very pleasing to the boy.
Can't believe he made shirts of that. It got a chuckle out of me the first time he said it, but now it's clear he himself thinks it's hilarious and assumes the whole audience will too. Imagine wearing that out somewhere, nobody would know what on earth it's supposed to mean or whether it's supposed to be funny or who Tibor is. It's not even like he's making fun of JWBroadcasting or anything, it's the innermost of in-jokes.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I couldn't, but then again you get people on YouTube like Hasan Piker who whitewash the industry and are still popular even after they admit to visiting a brothel that was busted for trafficking. There is a substantial group of permanently online neoliberals who are fine with prostitution, but they tend to be content creators of some kind themselves and don't spend money on channels like Lloyd's.
Been side-eyeing Matt Dillahunty recently too, his Twitter is full of apologetics for prostitution and he's had a few instances on his show when he's raged about people judging punters and pimps. Lloyd's certainly not the only guy like that, but like I say, they won't pay each other out of their brothel funds.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I wasn't aware of all of his previous scandals until this latest one, but it's a lot. And then getting angry when the copyright holder, who'd been dealing with an illness, told him to C&D. Ridiculous.
Incidentally, the IJA never gave any reparations or apology for the survivors of the "comfort women" policy (many of whom weren't even women yet, my grandmother was 15 when her friends of similar age were trafficked), and they justified it by saying it was "necessary" for the soldiers to have a sub-class of women and girls available to rape and sexually assault.
A bit like "it was 2-3 months between, I'm not sure I would need to more than that". That's what his video reminded me of.I think we need to do better promoting other channels, so I'm going to create a section on the site for anyone who's interested to list their channels and videos, and we can maybe categorize them into what to watch for different subjects, kind of a guided tour for people who are newly exiting to catch up and for people to hear more alternative and balanced voices.
Good idea! Lloyd's already given you a list to start with: all the people added to the litigation...
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I think it's from the November 2020 JW Broadcasting rebuttal video, about an hour in.
Hello everyone btw! I'm the ex-Calvinist from Lloyd's voicemail 25, I wish I'd found this site and all the other fantastic people helping everyone recover from spiritual abuse, before I called that punter's show and definitely before I gave him any money. Part of the reason my family is so emotionally reticent is that my grandmother had severe PTSD after surviving the Semarang Incident and seeing so many of her friends trafficked into brothels, so hearing my superchat money probably went on abusing another trafficked south-east Asian woman made me sick with rage. He did give decent advice in that one to be fair to him (even if he did plug his book) but it's not worth that.
Thank all of you for your work and genuine care for people. You don't strike me as seeking fame and glory (unlike some!) but I do hope you get the recognition you deserve.
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