The difference between rape and prostitution, especially when there is a very real difference in power between the individuals involved, is the question that one needs to ask when a First World tourist is hiring sex workers in a Third World country. It may look like a mutually consensual arrangement, but is it? I think the answer to that questions bears directly on one's qualification to represent themselves as an advocate for victims of sexual abuse.
I'd say that's an issue even in rich countries, even in the "best" circumstances with a "happy hooker". It's still sex with someone who doesn't want to, and would not consent if it weren't for the money. The money itself is a form of coercion.
If it's a choice between paying the rent/mortgage/electricity bill and refusing sex, is that really a choice at all?
Kim Silvio mentioned trafficking and coercion even in a rich country like Australia on the Magnificent Seven stream, and she's spot on. We have the same problems in the UK too, with domestic abusers pimping their victims and foreign women and children trafficked into it.
I'm not exactly prudish - if it's genuinely freely consenting, non-violent sex between adult humans and in private, do whatever weird stuff you like, I say. That's an extremely low bar and very permissive, but punting doesn't even clear that.