I'm only looking forward tallon, I'm taking control of my mind and looking to help the disadvantaged. I'm breaking free of bigoted control , I'm tryout of to give to the poor , it will be a long journey but I have friends to carry me
Posts by Chook
Successes you enjoyed since leaving the Org
by Tallon inthought i would start a discussion, and hopefully a positive one, on what successes you’ve enjoyed since leaving the org.. each of us is different as people, in life experiences etc.
however we all share one common factor in that we have all experienced the negativity, to a greater or lesser degree, of being a jw and the org.. each success is worth celebrating so i invite you to share some of your achievements.
it does not matter how ‘big or small’ it is, share it with us.. my achievement means a great deal to me both personally and professionally.
I found a list my Wife is makingof subjects i have told her about the BORG.
by goingthruthemotions inso me and my wife have not been on speaking terms for about 5 weeks, and when we do .
talk…it is arguing about the jw cult and more of a barrage from me telling here all the stuff i have learned.
i know i shouldn't do this....but, i get so freaking p.o ed aobut what this cult has done to my family.
this is where you need to be very careful on a couple of grounds, if you still want the marriage to work and you don't want to spook her toward the elders , if she has no plans to go, but you need to know her motives so as to prepare. The emotional wreckage this church instills in people is beyond belief, these real life stories of broken hearts is just wrenching . Try take the best from all the good suggestions that come your way.
Millions now living will never die (orginally "may" never die) was the WTS lying
by blondie inthis was first said in 1918 and adjusted to "will never die" in 1920. of course, the wts taught that the anointed had to die to go to heaven; but there was no great crowd teaching then, so they were talking about all non-anointed people on earth.
the wts members were known as bible students then and had been expecting the end in 1914 and it was adjusted.
one date that was stressed at that time was 1925. so i think they idea was that people living in 1918 would be alive to see the end in 1925, which of course did not happen.
You can ask if this is gods mouthpiece that said this ,then God wasn't kind to that prophet by making him one of the millions now not living. JW marketing was pretty good in old times based on their ability to recruit people as free labour book sellers.
Is Watchtower now loosening the bedroom rules?
by OneGenTwoGroups ini was at my assembly when this was discussed last week.
of course i hadn't prepared and i heard "no rules about limits", or at least i thought i did.. here's the direct quote from the watchtower study article.. "although the bible does not provide specific rules about the kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural sexual intimacy, it mentions displays of affection.
the watchtower (study edition) august 2016 : making christian marriage a success, paragraph 8.. what say you?.
Thre were brothers in the old times who's spouses were made to feel guilty for these displays of affection and they stupidity approached elders and confessed such "sins" which resulted in divorced marriages, wrecked children ,all because some guys in Brooklyn thought they were Gods mouthpiece . Going beyond what's written is the orgs biggest sin.
What if all JWs had put off having children?
by keyser soze incould the religion have survived?.
i know it was never forbidden, but i remember growing up, how we were encouraged to put it off until the new system, and instead focus on a career in the full time service.. can you imagine if every young jw had chosen to follow that counsel?
it's difficult to imagine the religion being sustainable without the next generation of born-ins..
Then there would be no need to tell that poor little boy in the JW video who got a violin scholarship that it's evil to play a musical instrument with his wordly friends.
New, but needed to vent- thank you :-)
by Danni Jackson ini discovered your website this morning as i was trying to find some information about 'marking'.
you see a very close friend of mine was 'marked' earlier this week and as i know the ins and outs of the situation (as we are close friends) i disregarded the talk immediately as i know my friend is obviously having issues but is no way a 'danger' to anybody else's spiritual health.
basically they are dating a non-believer- hence the talk.
Welcome Danni
if that's your real Christian name and surname it is highly likely that you will be TOLD in no uncertain terms to withdraw from this forum from your elders, gossip in JW ranks is very high. If you ever were to become an advocate of this forum it's possible to be dealt with judicially. On this forum you will receive genuine assistance in understanding JW doctrine ,never stop searching and question everything told by the organisation. The organisation has a habit of denying its history. We sincerely wish you well on your search.Regarding marking its one of those grey area doctrines where sometimes the person marked is unaware they are even marked. The true church will be identified by love and charitable works , if your church provides little for the disadvantaged or poor there's a chance it's not the truth.
Quick question to Jehovah Witnesses.
by SomeRusskiBeliever indo jehovah witnesses believe jesus christ is lord?
looked it up in nwt "therefore, let all the house of israel know for a certainty that god made him both lord and christ".
" - acts 2:36a.
Russki you have just opened a hornets nest, they believe he is lord but is only a mediator for about 10000 special loonies who will soon help destroy all mankind that aren't in agreement with the guys shown above. Theses guys above believe Jesus directs their ever changing doctrine, these guys above teach that people who don't get their monthly quota for book selling activities will be destroyed by the lord himself.
Petty Rules
by HereIgo indid your congregation have any petty man made rules?
i remember the elders in my cong didn't like if a single brother and single sister walked in the parking lot together after the meeting ended, to their car.
you couldn't hold the mic or give a talk without a coat (that might be a universal jw rule).
The whole JW church is FULL of petty rules , I love it when I hear them claim to be Christian, Jesus the man of two rules love God love neighbor, yet I'm sure JWs exceed the Israelites on the rules count. Israel had rules on whole blood , JWs have rules on fractions ,on components no one can pronounce let alone know what they do. Break any JW rule with a " brazen" attitude and your before the panel of executioners, brazen is their latest interpretative word. A constant changing rule procedure such as no tablets on platform,then God changed his mind, tablets now not only allowed but encouraged so as save money for the Brooklyn slush fund. Imagine the pressure on the bethel barber ,nor enough snipping ,to much snipping poor bastard.
Blood is thicker than water??
by HereIgo ini remember a co saying from the platform, " people often say blood is thicker than water.
well not in jehovah's organization" i don't know about anyone else, but it sure rubbed me the wrong way and one of the million reasons why i left!.
What elder would have the balls to bring Geoffrey Jackson before a JC for denying the faith during ARC. It's ALWAYS about connections and especially blood connections. What would the average CO know about children, a big nothing, then again they know nothing about heating bills ,gas prices ,food cost , phone bills nothing. So WT puts in charge of all Congs men who are that out of touch that they wouldn't and can't understand daily difficulties. Then they tell cong God has sent these men around to encourage, it's equivalent to trying to get a teenager to have empathy for someone with a tooth ache.
I’m feeling a bit down and troubled
by Tallon inwhat is getting me down are the difficult and troubling experiences posted by some of the forum users.
in a number of cases i cannot believe the injustice inflicted on the person.
how, forgive the wording, in god’s name can this be happening?
Only good hearted people feel sad at injustices, just maybe the cults damage will end. But to hear of families torn by religious dogma, good people dying because of misapplication of scripture . Look at pale emporer can't even drop his child off without the evils of Brooklyn showing there teeth. WT has one big sad legacy , just today sister dies no blood then we hear that a young girl in Utah had to relive her rape ordeal ,it just goes on and on. Tallon ,karma is what Brooklyn will receive . I would like to see GB jailed for perjury especially for their uncaring spirit and of course for lying to authorities.