Jaydee that the goat herders
Posts by Chook
The Hypocrisy Of A Judical Committee
by pale.emperor ini posted the elders training school video of how to conduct a judicial committee on my youtube channel last night.
it got me thinking of the hypocrisy of the whole thing.
and also how in their own publications they ridiculed the pharisees for the way they dealt with jesus... which is the very same manner they use on the flock.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lzmgjjpafk.
At first I wanted JWs to be right because then I wouldn't have to admit that I wasted 27 year to this cult. The ones who left before the internet I concider heroes due to the greater effort to find out about TTATT. But I'm just glad I've can relate with people on here who suffer the same emotional issues that come with the cult. We all know how the story goes on finding out about ttatt, at first we say to ourselves these must be isolated incidents then we realise it's a long history of religious bullshit disguised in a fashion that counterfeit money makers would be proud. Now I'm no longer a slave, I say amen to that.
Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Christians, why do so many ex JW's deny this?
by nicolaou injehovah's witnesses accept jesus as christ, the son of god.
they try, in their own way, to live by his teachings and imitate him.
they pray, read the bible and meet together regularly for worship.. i won't minimise any of the harm and damage they cause but for the life of me, i can't see how anyone can credibly deny that they are christians.. why do so many former jws have a problem with this?
Christian and JW should never be in the same sentence.
The Hypocrisy Of A Judical Committee
by pale.emperor ini posted the elders training school video of how to conduct a judicial committee on my youtube channel last night.
it got me thinking of the hypocrisy of the whole thing.
and also how in their own publications they ridiculed the pharisees for the way they dealt with jesus... which is the very same manner they use on the flock.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lzmgjjpafk.
I'm Australian and I'm sure we in Australia invented the word" kangaroo court". Indoctrination of men who call themselves shepherds and believe they speak for god has poisoned this planet to long. We all know what shepherds do with sheep,roast lamb anybody. These men still roast the flock to protect the other sheep from knowing that there destination could also be a kebab.
Elders removed in Northern PA. Congregation
by ToesUp ina close family member just informed me what happened during their last c.o.
this occurred 3 months ago.
Tell these guys that lost their jobs that God was directing there axing and stick to window cleaning.
Who was the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses? JW Org states it was not Russell
by ToesUp infound this article in the about page on jw org.
i was a born in and was always taught charles taze russell was the founder.
guess i was wrong!
Imagine the judge on the ARC questioning Geoffrey Jackson on who the founder of JW is ,the response would be "that's presumptuous ". I believe head office will under all circumstances avoid any GB to ever be brought before a judicial system again ,it wouldn't surprise me that one day they buy a tropical island and pay some poor country enough money to have this island declared with individual sovereignty, they build a nice little luxury estate fit for princes ( Geoffrey Jacksons wife likes this climate). They could then rightly claim to have created paradise on earth, the GB could then rightly be called a governing body of turtles and coconuts.
7 Things Most JW's Dont Know They're Supposed To Believe
by pale.emperor ini decided to spend my sunday morning creating a youtube video highlighting 7 things most jw's dont know they're supposed to believe.
most of these i learned only after my exit of the cult.
here's hoping a few jw's will stumble upon it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er44oc0p4ny&feature=youtu.be.
Pale emperor
WT is even scared of its own self , Brooklyn boys are religious terrorists, I would love to have the 8 million email addresses of JW to send them the 7 divine inspirations of head office. Tell the religious bullies that if they are so concerned about there own leaders being on the record ,then tell them that their God should of guided them to first register the domain name Jehovahswitness.com
Love for the Hate
by IronSharpensIron ini just wanted to share a perspective related to my experience with leaving the jw.
at this point, i have been df'd since i was 18. i'm 25, happily married with 2 fantastic children.
after being miserably at odds with my parents and extended family, i've come to some realizations as follows.. i struggled with the conditional nature of my parent's love- talking to me until it bothered their conscience, then cutting me off.
Hi ironsharpensiron
You are in the most difficult position beeing born into this religion to have this hideous cult destroy the normal family arrangement is so sad . Your mighty courage to stay away from this cold cult, with the family ties you're giving up because you were born into this and don't blame yourself you're born into this this crime . At least you Born into this you can blame someone for the problems, I was stupid enough to convert. Your young and got along life ahead,hope your blessed because if God is real and he looks for the brokenhearted yes surely you fall into that category . There will always be an ear and heart on this forum to wipe away tears.
Double speak of the Watchtower
by never a jw insorry, this may have been covered ad nauseam before, but since it is blatant double speak of the watchtower, i felt it would be good to write a reminder of that.
below is an extract where the watchtower makes an effort to point out to the royal commission that among their members there are professionals with higher education, such as doctors and lawyers.
what they conveniently fail to mention is that the wt leadership repeatedly in writing and in approved public speeches discourages, even denigrate the pursuit of higher education.
Classic double speak is that the cult discourages higher education but when bethel needs a free dentist doctor or lawyer they specifically invite such brothers to bethel, yet condemn such ones in print for going to university.
7 Things Most JW's Dont Know They're Supposed To Believe
by pale.emperor ini decided to spend my sunday morning creating a youtube video highlighting 7 things most jw's dont know they're supposed to believe.
most of these i learned only after my exit of the cult.
here's hoping a few jw's will stumble upon it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er44oc0p4ny&feature=youtu.be.
We need someone who want to leave the cult with a bang to hijack the projector at the assembly and play this short video.
Pale emperor you did a rockstar job.