Financial news - Martin Armstrong blog and zero hedge.
Normal news- Daily mail online
religous news - on here
i read that many people get their news from facebook.
i look online mostly at fox news and the drudge report.
very seldom do i look at cnn.😎.
Financial news - Martin Armstrong blog and zero hedge.
Normal news- Daily mail online
religous news - on here
okay simply put i am not of your faith however my faith allows me to learn and study other people's beliefs and faith's.
now i believe at least from what i have seen that you people are humble and respectful, when interacting with me.
and that watchtower book thing u hand out has actually helped me in the past.... taught me that resentment only hurts me and not the person i resented, that was really needed at the time.
Ask this one question, are the baptised children in your faith free to explore other religions with out family sanctions. They will probably lie with the answer, but insist on this subject, and ask how they correlate this with Jesus.
has anyone had a study with jws with the goal of helping them see ttat..
Has anyone had a study with JWs with the goal of helping them see TTAT.
so i spoke to my elder dad the other day, and he asked if i still am sporting a beard.
i said yes, then i said, "i thought the society said its ok to have a neat trimmed beard now?
" he said "no, no, no..if you read the article , it says in countries where it is accepted" so my response was "ummm, its pretty accepted here in america"..which he says "it reflects your spirituality" "if another wittness saw you, they would know you are weak"...i was like, "ok, i don't get it, and i follow christ/god, not men..." then he said in his hall" if a brother came in with a beard , he would not have privelages" then i just gave up, and tried to change the subject..ugggggggggg if these people would just listen to themselves , they would see the sillyness of there teachings...
Could you really imagine that any of those famous Israelites could comprehend that the god of Abraham would condemn facial hair. American corporate image has precedence over natural facial features.
just some random thoughts here... theme scripture is matt.5: 33 .
we already had a thread explaining that jesus added a "but" after those words.
however, few would argue against the principle of keeping one's word.
I would bet my left testicle ,what you vow you pay will come in form of a regular electronic payment system introduced so the poor brothers stay poor and the GB continue to eat eye fillet steak.
dear friends, we were so touched by your warm welcome and all of your comments to my ballroom dancing post.
thank you so much for your kindness.. i have more to tell you, but i wanted to share this with you.
we have a son that has been disfellowshipped for 18 years for smoking.
Finally left
we all on here have regrets, l withheld sports activities to my kids, so called pagan celebrations and all the other bullshit that we were indoctrinated in. It's really hard not to bash yourself up with child abuse in the form of cult teachings. We all wish you well.
just wanted to say hello and thank you for all of your comments.
when i finally figured out this was not the truth it was nice to know i wasn't the only one - it was a surprise to learn how many there are.
february was my last month of service after 43 active years.
Better late than never , we all get angry for being deceived, you have accomplished more than lots on here by getting your spouse see the light. We are all happy for you.
just published today on a grieving widow who was sent publications after her husband passed away.. unbelievable!
no respect or honor at all.. your comments and views are welcomed.. d.
They know you can't sell a hammer until they need the nail hit, the strike fate of preying on the vulnerable is higher. There is no better product than telling them Freddy will live again, of course we will throw in a panda for good measure. They will quickly offer the resurrection yet not give the homeless man a sandwich.
my freedom came with a heavy cost.
i couldn't stand the dishonesty so when my sister went out of town on a trip i told my parents that i no longer wanted to be a jw.
when my sister got back and i told her she was so angry, said she really wanted to slap me, then she ran off sobbing, a few minutes later she deposited every gift i ever gave her in front of my door.. my entire family has turned against me.
I can't say much more than what our fellow friends have said, if it makes it any better think of the old timer apostates that had no internet or forums , we are here to help each other with this complex journey. At lest our friends on here aren't claiming to be directed by god with overlapping bullshit. Hang in there , I truly believe this forum has prevented some from taking their own lives and any information that help is good, but plenty have ended their lives based on the family destruction policies of the WT. count yourself lucky.
what your thoughts on if gb ruled the world would elders happily administer lethal injections at head offices request ?.
What your thoughts on if GB ruled the world would elders happily administer lethal injections at head offices request ?