Black wolf , under no circumstances get baptised, it's all emotional blackmail. The least amount of ripples would be to tell parents you want to thoroughly study Jesus, and his baptism age is your starting point. Children having to choose between family and religion is terrible ,but remember they brought you to this cult , so don't beat yourself up to much. Your parents are victims of a slick advertising company, where possible give them slack but don't drink the Jw koolaid . When a bit lost come on here and there is plenty of good advice, wisdom is not far away.
Posts by Chook
Hello again
by BlackWolf inhello everyone, it's been a while since i've posted anything on here so i thought i might give an update.
next month i turn 18 and my mom is constantly berating me about getting baptized, so much so that my siblings have even told her to stop.
ive just been flat out telling her no which i know is irritating her.
"We dont mourn the dead"
by HereIgo ini remember a brother making the above statement in regards to an elderly sister who had passed.
he stated we don't mourn or even visit grave sites because we have a hope that jah will resurrect the dead.
it seemed really creepy at the time, hell, even jesus wept when lazarus died.
Of all funerals that I've ever attended JWs are the most unloving toward the deceased. They use this time of sadness to hijack the mourning process to promote their American realestate business.
"...You will be Disfellowshipped for 7 years"
by HereIgo inshortly before i left the "troof" a co had given a talk during his visit.
at the time there was a scandal going on in the congregation where 2 couples basically swapped spouses with each other.
it was quite the scandal.
The reading of hearts is the CO speciality, these guys are judge and executioners, 7 years is kind considering these COs if in Israel would throw the first stone. Reinstatement is always at the mercy of men influenced by Warwick . Just like these guys who condemn clergy to Gehenna, those toward the top of JW tree KNOW of the fraudulent teachings that have plagued the WT, so in turn when their judicial process gets it wrong and some poor bugger kills himself someone has to pay . Then there is the big question if there is a God who values justice then big Tony tight pants is going to get fried by god himself.
JUNE 2017 Watchtower - Lost a loved one? Go out in service!
by pale.emperor inapparently going to the kingdom hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one.
who'dve thunk it?.
stash: /
Go out and offer solutions to wordly people yet on your home front there is a great loss that may never heal . A lot of love and compassion is what is needed for a long time. Fraudulent religion probably didn't even do a proper funeral.
Did You Know You Can Have Seizures While You Sleep and Not Know It?
by David_Jay ini have to take some time off even from some of my favorite activities for a while...that means here...until i can adjust to a new medical therapy.. i just learned today that i have nocturnal epilepsy and have been having seizures almost every night for several decades!
just started medication that will mess me up when it comes to processing my thinking and typing for a while, so until that straightens out i will just have to read for now.. but look it up.
The most effective cure is cannabis oil .
Do You Have Any Indoctrinated Guilt Left Over?
by pale.emperor ini voted this morning for the first time.
at 32yo i wondered in a church of england parish hall with no idea what i was doing.
everyone else knew how to do it.
No guilt on my part , birthdays ,Christmas , gamble , one of the things that tipped me over before I left was they had to print a tract on how to dress when visiting bethel , that screams cult control.
I appreciate "our" free speech.
by The Rebel ini had given serious consideration too leaving the board.
i rationalised my views on " muslims" we're not held by the majority so i should leave.
but this would have been wrong thinking, instead i should appreciate the platform i was given to debate with free speech.
Sometimes you just have to get some things off your chest, so what if others get offended, tell them to pray for you . Life to short to worry what others think , the whole Jw church is peer pressure and worrying what others think. Take control of your own mind and develop your values based on your own good judgment. This forum only exists because of free speech, if we only listen to same repetitive speech we would have stayed at the KH and have GB do our thinking for us. All great humans that thought outside the box and didn't conform to tradition were persecuted. Free speech is non existent in Jw land.
Worship of Men?
by HereIgo ini remember when i was in as a teenager, some time around 2006, samuel herd of the governing body came to dedicate our newly built hall.
i remember bumping into him accidentally and a brother pulled me aside and half jokingly and half seriously telling me that i should be more careful around jehovah's anointed ones.
it was quite comical to say the least.
Jws used to pride themselves saying their leaders were unknown entities , not now welcome to internet tv and the rockstars of Warwick , their mystic persona has disappeared. This is a circus bonanza for the dear sheep to observe and really see the men chosen personally by god to run his earthly show. These of all men on earth are the only ones who can interprete scripture and are entrusted to convey gods directions. These are the guys who destroy families through hard line DF practices and they are the supposed to rule the world from heaven , well what a lovely place the earth would be , dress codes for taking a shower would be the likely outcome.
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
We were told by a crazy right wing elder that we couldn't use heating at hall due to society worried about greenhouse affect.
Online Donations for Conventions
by Funchback in
online donations for conventions.
donations to support the annual conventions of jehovah’s witnesses may now be made online from a number of countries.
I would ask can someone ask GB for the electronic transfer of a few hundred bucks so our family can pay our heating bills and grandma needs some medication, go on to explain that you don't like asking but we have given plenty to the Jw cause in the past. You could even word it as a loan just like they ask for loans and remind them about doing to the least of christs brothers . Your chance of receiving cash is equivalent to being invited to their Wednesday smorgasbord.