Isambard, your cry for help is looking to the cause of most of your emotional issues, the Jw church has guilt tripped you in to believing they are the only ones who can help , well you know why you are crying out on here that is to be told no more cult propaganda, mind control, feeling of guilt is what Jw masterminded. Don't touch the the Jw forbidden tree.
Posts by Chook
DA myself to relieve great pressure?
by Isambard Crater inmy lifelong mental illnesses, fuelled significantly by the borg, are very bad at the moment and result in me missing lots of midweek meetings, but i haven't missed a sunday in years except the occasional vacation.. the nature of my mental and emotional illnesses mean that i, as a physically in and mentally out pimo, take to heart very painfully admonishment from the platform to never miss meetings, preach all i can, and so on.. okay, i report 3 hours each month on average and no elder has ever said anything, but when they make comments on the platform, i feel such great guilt and shame, but also anger, as they do not understand my illnesses and when i do mention my situation to elders, they kind of minimise and joke about it.. some other sisters in my congregation started "officially" not attending midweek meetings a few year's ago because of their own health circumstances, but i know for a fact that some elders look down on them for this reason, not showing real understanding deep down even if they do on the surface.. i have reached the point where i want to hand in a da letter as a cry for help, or more like a clear indicator to them that when i say i'm not well enough to attend midweek, i really mean it and it's not just an excuse.
sure, i'm only 42, but i can still be too fragile to go out at night with a 30 minute drive both ways..
Surprise Elders Visit
by Tight Pants Twinkle Toes inhello community!
quick background - baptized 1971, 46 years in the borg, former elder.
wife - baptized 1973, pioneer...... we became disgusted with the oranization 10 years ago but still believed it was the truth.
The warriors of Warwick these elders are zealots to the cause, hunting apostates is duck hunting season ,well there are fine trained with writings that go back decades, centuries but it boils down to what was latest light which could have been 10 years more for some obscure rulings . I knew this crazy apostate years ago through his son , he was that deluded, he had the lot schizophrenia,bipolar, psychological problems, to stick it to Jw corp he proformed the to most comical things, he somehow bullshitted to rolls Royce England that the JW hierarchy in Sydney needed these custom fit outs rollers to do our fine clergy class , well these actually got to Australia and the docks rang bethel and said your machines are here . Well didn't that cause a stink. Then years later he ran for local politics as the local member of Jehovah's Witness for the community, off his tree mad .
im getting side tracked tight pants as to the elders do whatever floats your boat, spiritual warfare has its price , I'm a fighter but only on my ground, my house my castle you can grill them harder stuck at your house. Everyone just brings up google the jwdom falls apart.
Suicide - How many do you know within the JWs
by Lady Lee inthw wts likes to play games with their statistics.
one interesting but truly tragic is the number of jwhovah's witnesses who commit suicie.. now i suspect that if a person commits suicide shortly before or after they are disfellowshipped then the elders would say that person wasn't a witness or that they had done something so terrible that they were too guilty to admit it and by their action of committing suicide they pretty much declared they were no longer a jw.. yup fancy talk to make sure any crap didn't fall on them.. so my question.. do you know of cases like this?
if so then can you answer a few more questions.. had this person been dfed or in real danger of being dfed or whatever the equivalent is if they were never baptized?.
Counting .... Kevin pills, Jordan bag over head, Steve rope in tree ,elders daughter forget name anther rope in tree, sister of a MS jumped off bridge bad marriage I think, elder son drove head on deliberately into the path of a truck .
Brother kevin was gay, Jordan was also very feminine, Steve struggled with being DF twice he got kicked out for sleeping with his fiancé. Elder daughter had acceptance issues , bridge jumper was in bad marriage , truck bloke was bipolar.
Each person that dies is someone's child , sadness caused by the church's rulings is huge.
Who holds the Burden Of Proof?
by stuckinarut2 inwhen we as former witnesses wake up and choose to leave the society, it is mainly because we value truth and honesty.. the society tries to make out that we are in the wrong.
that we have "left the truth".. but, who really holds the burden of proof?
do we (who leave) need to prove that the society is not the "truth", or does the society need to prove that it is the "truth".. thoughts?.
It's doesn't matter who say what, it's a matter of how much life it robbed and how many years remaining on this planet. We know the JW truth so I could just be grateful I'm out , free of religious bondage.
What made you stay "in" even when you knew it wasn't the "truth"?
by mentalclarity inso i've been thinking a lot about why i stayed a jw for so long even though i had always had doubts about the doctrines.
i was born into the religion, left and came back as an adult for another decade.
some of the things that come to mind (besides the threat of shunning-and this isn't to minimize that very real threat) was:.
It took a while to resonate the whole I've been duped thing, but the moment I realised that it's not the truth I didn't attend another meeting.
Who is benefiting from Watchtower Corporation financially
by John Davis inwho do you believe is financially benefiting from watchtower business dealings.
i know about the gold apple watch, but that is only a small percentage of the billions that they have.
so who do you think is keeping all of this money.
Those who live at the luxurious corporation headquarters Warwick, those who will never be made redundant, and the cooking staff to keep the corporate boys fed. How much money would they the GB send to Russia for the impoverished brothers , none, all dining on fine American roast dinners and living the life of a rockstar. As any decent investigations always follow the money.
As an Ex JW now, how would you react if you met your Bible study conductor?
by EverApostate ini was a jw for 11 years , came to know ttatt and wrote my disassociation letter 5 years ago.
since then i had been an atheist and trying all i can to spread awareness for “still in” members.
my wife and mom are still jws and i do get along with them perfectly.
He's getting old and just lost a daughter recently, but his reputation was as a hard man . When I left JWs I wasn't living near him but I visit his area are town every 3 months. If he pressed the issue of spirituality the I would just tell him I'm a apostate. They know what that means .
What is behind your choice of forum user name?
by stuckinarut2 injust curious how we all think.. what prompted or influenced your choice of username for this forum?.
there are some really amazing names, and it would be great to hear the stories behind them.... mine was nothing fancy.
i just felt "stuck in a rut too" along with so many others.
All my childhood friends and school teachers called me Chook, even when I first went to KH the Jw girls from my school class only new my name as chook.
The denial of 1975 when and how did they go about it.
by Crazyguy ini was pretty young in 1975, all i remember was a few complaining at the hall after and those at the door that razed us over it.
does anyone remember how they went about denying it and when this started.
i do remember a scripture in psalms about people being mighty and living longer so this was used.
The real answer is their response to history in the form of their new video which blames the poor brothers for selling their homes and leaving good jobs to promote the corporation. I love how Hecce uses the word brazen appropriately.
What made you stay "in" even when you knew it wasn't the "truth"?
by mentalclarity inso i've been thinking a lot about why i stayed a jw for so long even though i had always had doubts about the doctrines.
i was born into the religion, left and came back as an adult for another decade.
some of the things that come to mind (besides the threat of shunning-and this isn't to minimize that very real threat) was:.
It took a while for me to come to the realisation that it wasn't the truth but the second it clicked I was out of there. Some family members say why don't I stay like people who just go along to there weekend church, my response is if I thought the money ( religion) was real why would I want their counterfeit shit any longer. Then they say there is plenty of decent people and I would respond by suggesting why limit my future friends to one in one thousand. One day out of the Jw courtyard is worth a thousand elsewhere.