There is no one lowering of standards, the rules are by the hundreds, the peer pressure to preform causes some to have nervous breakdowns. This religion invented guilt. It's is purely a performance based company with religious clothing. If you think the JWs had rules the high priest farms of bethel controlled every living minute , few hundred sexual creatures confined to not getting caught masterbating. Tony tight pants is in charge of dress code.
Posts by Chook
Lowering the standards: The sign of a cult struggling for survival
by Hidden-Window inmany of the recent changes in the jehovah's witness organization are a clear sign of a cult that is struggling for survival.
the internet has change the scenario in a very dramatic way.
many of us who for years struggled alone with doubts and cognitive dissonance thinking that we were the only ones, that we, as individuals were the issue, now know that there is a large community of individuals who see the organization as what it is, a mind controlling cult that is not only false, but also dangerous.. the governing body clearly understands the consequences of this awakening.
Crisis of Conscience Aposta-Kit For Sale
by betterdaze inhello posters.
i am offering an “aposta-kit” of three paperback books for sale:.
crisis of conscience by raymond franz, fourth edition 2004 .
If anyone wants to buy me this Christmas present the cock will crow three times before sunrise.
This is a picture of how Jesus taught his followers to preach. Proactive moto has taken front stage.
Awkward conversations of Governing Body Advisors - "Tony, you might what to take some time off, you're an asshole"
by jambon1 inis there anyone who will just say it straight in bethel?.
"governing body members, you're embarrassing us with every broadcast.
Freddo I was going to write that earlier but refrained, well said
Can the GB be directed by Holy Spirit and at the same time be not inspired ?
by Chook inyes god directs our writings but they're not inspired, so gods directions are staggered and overlapping , so the genuine innocent believing jw has a wonderful life of overlapping bullshit.
so next time you meet a jw priest ask them what is the difference between being directed and inspired, then i promise you will hear first hand an example of overlapping bull..
Yes god directs our writings but they're not inspired, so gods directions are staggered and overlapping , so the genuine innocent believing JW has a wonderful life of overlapping bullshit. So next time you meet a JW priest ask them what is the difference between being directed and inspired, then I promise you will hear first hand an example of overlapping bull.
What changes would need to make to become a normal Christian denomination.
by UnshackleTheChains ini am interested in getting people's thoughts on this.
on average 40 thousand people leave the organisation yearly for one reason or another.
the experiences all over the media are proof of this.
Love their neighbor.
Anointed Ratios
by Labate inanother recent topic got me thinking.
has there ever been any kind of study of the ratio of male to female anointed?
if the female anointed will be co-rulers in heaven with morris and company, why are they not represented as gb members and helpers before armageddon arrives?.
What amazes me is that if the supposed anointed in heaven being half female and heaven influences the writings of WT, then how come sisters aren't even allowed to hold the elders book . ( it's been stated that sisters can't even bind elders book ). So basically the sisters in heaven tell the men on earth don't let the women touch the book. Not only that , it is under gods direction. I think the heavenly chariot is having a blowout.
love of money
by road to nowhere inwe are asked to not love money, work ot (i was never asked because the company had money to give away, rather had a job that needed done), no extra schooling.. then when we read the literature they make a big deal of the ones who are rich.
so proud of abraham, david, and on.
remember lydia?
A letter needs to be written to head office with the statements of your wishes to leave a vast estate to the WT org but you need a written response on how they haven't fallen for the trap of being a lover of money. They will respond if they think the honey pot is full , but reply by stating that you can't leave your wealth due to their track record of no charitable donations toward the general community a large . Lead them, string them , then chop them. It's the same pattern that they use with converts.
My parents found out
by BlackWolf inso in my last post i talked about how i had told my younger siblings how i didn't plan to get baptized or ever be a witness.
i thought i could trust them but i guess i was wrong, they're just kids after all.
my oldest brother (who's 11) told on me today.
Blackwolf, do some things you have never done , buy a lottery ticket , swear when your angry, watch an R rated film, join a sports team, sneak into another church ( but don't join ). Buy a birthday card for that secret friend . You will only ever need one or two genuine friends ( it might seem easy when you are young but ask an older person how many of there childhood friends they still have contact with ) . Friendship and effort are related. You will be ok in life blackwolf due to your seeking wisdom from outside sources.
cheers Chook
Were You Surprised You Remained a JW As Long As You Did?
by minimus inwe have been told there's no place else to go.
and to some degree mentally speaking, that is true especially if you were raised in the religion.
at 50 i was out of the organization's clutches.
I do get angry at myself for not seeing the light soon enough but better late than never, who knows without the internet I could be still drinking Mr Letts koolaid. Information is king , I do feel sad for ones who haven't got the ability to search the internet for the truth, but that being said most have the ability now to search. It's its draconian rules toward family members who leave that wake up many . Some say by being on this forum is not freeing themselves from the cult but I disagree, it's only one who were trapped that can fully empathise. We have so much in common because of our Jw heritage that is why I truly believe this forum has prevented some from killing themselves. But WT has directly influenced some to top themselves.