These guys still have no shame , and to say the clergyman are going to Gehenna, that because they are preparing for Big Tony with brimstone and coals.
Posts by Chook
Speaking for God: The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tahoe invery well put together!.
My Introduction
by Ray Frankz inthis is my first post and i'm feeling like i'm doing something bad big time!
i know on my mind it isn't, but the feelings are less manageable.. well, since i'm still a jw it's better not to give too much info, but i'm from brazil.. i've grown-up in the religion and practicly all my family, my closest friends and my girlfriend are loyal jws.
i used to be a regular pioneer but i still have a service privilege on my congregation.. i've had questions about the teachings of the wt since i was 10, but naturally i always pushed it away as it were "questioning the holy organization".. i started a friendship with some people in a course i took and we talked about a lot of subjects.
Welcome Ray F, you can ask the questions here that the cong forbids. Also your friends on here don't share their loyalty with a realestate company based in Warwick.
Study with an Elder - propose a question.
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. as some of you might remember i am keeping my facade up by "studying" with an elder.
this study however is more of a session where i put hard questions about the org, doctrine and so on, on the table.
the time has come for the next session in a couple of days, and i have quite frankly lost the will to keep digging up things that just shouldn't be happening.
Ask him how he can be certain that Holy Spirit directs their teaching, then ask when they change doctrine does that mean no Holy Spirit was involved in original teaching.
Cross-dressing Jehovah's Witness raped and molested girl
by cobweb in
a cross-dressing jehovah’s witness raped and molested a girl while making her wear adult women’s clothes.. david fuge, 69, wore dresses and silky underwear when he repeatedly abused his blindfolded victim from the age of eight to 19.. .
liverpool crown court heard he gagged her and on one occasion tied a belt around her neck and left her hanging from a hook in a room.. he photographed the child naked, made her read pornographic magazines, beat her with a piece of wood and abused her at a golf course.. .
Quite an upstanding chap , he still qualifies as a publisher. I bet there is more than one victim, honing his art for 69 years. Vile creature is lucky he didn't do it to my grandchild.
Judicial meeting questions.
by Fader812 inwhy do elders ask such perverted questions during judicial meetings?
kinda creeped me out, actually creeped me out a lot.
It's so as to see if natural lube was achieved, wetter you are the more they can read hearts.
Do you think at the threat of assassination most religious leaders would renounce their beliefs ?
by Chook inplenty of priests been killed , but i wonder if big tony and his smiley mate would sign the paper work..
Plenty of priests been killed , but I wonder if big Tony and his smiley mate would sign the paper work.
we have a laid off bethelite with an engineering degree!
by nowwhat? inthis guy have been at bethel for 25 years when he could have been making 75-100 thousand a year as an engineer.
so they kick him to the curb so they don't have to house him and his wife anymore.
they run into a problem at warwick and they ask him to come back for 3 weeks.
I bet some of these kicked to the curb will reflect on this as the best thing that ever happened, all they have to do is google the words Jw governing body, then they will realise that any company can make money with free labor yet these guys couldn't even do that.
Just heard that the WT sent money to help brothers in Russia
by Bonnie_Clyde inclyde and i had lunch with a friend who attended the assembly with his wife.
he told us that he was sure he heard that the wt had sent money to russia to help the brothers financially.
i told him that i heard the opposite....that they are directing witnesses to meet in private homes and set up a donation jar for the sole purpose of sending money to the wt, giving explicit instructions on how to transmit the funds.
Every Nigerian scam gives a little money as bait.
Lowering the standards: The sign of a cult struggling for survival
by Hidden-Window inmany of the recent changes in the jehovah's witness organization are a clear sign of a cult that is struggling for survival.
the internet has change the scenario in a very dramatic way.
many of us who for years struggled alone with doubts and cognitive dissonance thinking that we were the only ones, that we, as individuals were the issue, now know that there is a large community of individuals who see the organization as what it is, a mind controlling cult that is not only false, but also dangerous.. the governing body clearly understands the consequences of this awakening.
There is no one lowering of standards, the rules are by the hundreds, the peer pressure to preform causes some to have nervous breakdowns. This religion invented guilt. It's is purely a performance based company with religious clothing. If you think the JWs had rules the high priest farms of bethel controlled every living minute , few hundred sexual creatures confined to not getting caught masterbating. Tony tight pants is in charge of dress code.
Crisis of Conscience Aposta-Kit For Sale
by betterdaze inhello posters.
i am offering an “aposta-kit” of three paperback books for sale:.
crisis of conscience by raymond franz, fourth edition 2004 .
If anyone wants to buy me this Christmas present the cock will crow three times before sunrise.