Success, which is very subjective, can only come about by focusing on the future, and I mean your future. Set goals for tomorrow, try something new in your life. Religions use guilt as a control feature, don't feel guilty for doing anything that doesn't encroach apon another's liberties. If unsure about what directions to take in life ,take a look at people and groups from a distance , contentment and joy are easily picked up with our own intuition. All dreams can come true at the expense of energy, it all depends on how much energy you want to give.
Posts by Chook
How can I succeed in life not being a jw again?
by victory inwhen i was a jw, i was taught that i can never succeed in life if i leave the sect.
now that i am no longer a member of the fold, how can i succeed in this only life i have and achieve my dreams?.
If you had the opportunity to create religious doctrine from scratch,what rule would your church or nation have?
by Chook inwould you teach a heaven , hell, jesus , paradise.
what rule structure for discipline ect ,ect,.
It's not an easy thing to do, that is created a legal system which is fair and just. When someone in a community violates a person of their right to live in peace. Murders ,theft, violence against innocent need deterrence. Legal systems in church's and nations always end in a system which everyone is guilty of some "crime" because of the implementation of hundreds of regulations.
I've been awake 1 year today!
by pale.emperor init was a year ago today that my life changed completely.
i'll never forget it.
i had zero friends in the kh and was never included in the "guys" drinks, football games, parties etc.
My intuition says you are a very honest hearted individual, I genuinely hope you can heal from the cult but with any family left in , it will be a reminder of your past. Doing little things for those in need is life's best therapy. We know that every life behind a user name on this forum , either has had pain or is in pain . Sharing your joys and pain is the only way to heal and celebrate. I shall light a candle of joy for you my friend. As flipper would appropriate say peace be with you.
If you had the opportunity to create religious doctrine from scratch,what rule would your church or nation have?
by Chook inwould you teach a heaven , hell, jesus , paradise.
what rule structure for discipline ect ,ect,.
Would you teach a heaven , hell, Jesus , paradise. What rule structure for discipline ect ,ect,
Wish me all the best
by LevelThePlayingField inso i called in to my local walgreens pharmacy to get my blood pressure medicine refilled.
i go to the pharmacy to pick it up and they tell me that the doctor has denied filling it saying to them, "prescription refill not appropriate".
i asked them what that means and they say you'll have to contact your doctor on that, sorry.
i can go for long periods without a drink , but when I drink I can't or find it very difficult to stop. ( like the old saying 1 to many and 100 not enough) I think man has had this problem a long time ,Noah and Lot were thirsty men at times. You can PM if you need a hearing ear, I have my demons with medical marijuana, I find it better than losing my memory when drunk. I've can get little bit ADHD which I find the cannabis settles. If you can find a good support friend outside of your household they will be invaluable. As humans we are trying to live with childhood emotional pain , disappointments from church , our own failings, we can only heal when we love ourselves . It's only us that we can change and ONLY if you want change. I can't say I will never drink again because I would lying to myself ( based on my track record) . Just a day at a time trying to work out the most peaceful course.
new strategy to turn in your time in Japan
by yoko N stickers are passed around among brother says "hey you can just turn in your time just driving around streets with this sticker on your car.
" the other side of this car ,(photo) there is a qr code sticker on it.. .
One of my life's biggest epiphanies was when it dawn on me that there was no way in the world Christ would have preformed paper work in first century. The whole publisher debacle is because your become a slave to a book printing publishing company.
What not to say...
by joey jojo inhey guys.
i was recently talking to a old friend who is a very active elder.
i was talking about ' the truth' and he suggested i sounded like an apostate because i used terms like ' the society' and ' watchtower '.. i am aware that ' dubspeak ' has changed over the years and i am pretty sure that someone posted about it here but i can't find the thread.
When I run into the JWs I always ask how the church is going. That gets the mind flying
Sample Disassociation Letter please?
by LifesNotOver ini want to send a disassociation letter to the elders at my old congregation.
how do i address it and what wording do i use?
i know it's not something i have to do, it's symbolic for me.
remember me when you get into your kingdom !
February 26, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Witnessing in Public Places
by wifibandit infebruary 26, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: witnessing in public places.
february 25, 2017 to all congregations re: magnetic boards and posters for public witnessing.
The next scam is the publishers can purchase insurance from bethel.
Observations from an Ex-Elder Part 2 - Cart Work
by doubtfull1799 inup until i left recently i was participating in the cart work.
in the location where we used to set up near our local mall we never had one person stop and take literature or stop and chat - other than fellow brothers.
i thought maybe it was just a bad location or something.
Ask the attendant of the cart is it modelled after the first century carts, Also ask how many hours did first century Christians have to do preaching to qualify as a MS. Also ask could they imagine Jesus standing beside a cart not approaching people with the eternal hope. Also ask why Jesus not once mentioned the name Jehovah.