All Jw parents are guilty of child abuse , the fairytales of fear and guilt indoctrination are what these cult affected parents dished out. Family has ties that go beyond normal relationships in everything from farting in their presence to tolerance of anger levels. We are generally attracted to people of same thinking and family thinking is hereditary, attitudes of parents rub off on kids . The scariest part about parents is the things you often hate about your parents are the same traits that you sometimes exhibit. Blood links throughout history have proved the timeless. We as humans desire at least some approval from those close to us , family normally is closest, JWs twist this arrangement as to put the Warwick corporation above blood ties and it's driven home continually with twisted scripture.
Some of the the people on here are the most broken in the world due to the shunning policies, it might seem crazy but there are people on here that pour out their hearts to our members more than they ever did to their parents. We all want to be loved by someone and generally family fills that role, with JWs that dynamic changes, so our relationship needs need to be met by others. It's just another consequence of the cult.