What are JWs thoughts on anything, their thoughts are hijacked by cult thinking. All drugs are consumed through a demand and supply chain , while their is demand people will always weigh the risk reward ratio. According to the black book he gave us all the vegetation including coffee beans cocoa, tobacco, grapes, cannabis, mushrooms, poppy seeds all for your use . All people are struggling with their directions , some need a stiff gin, some a cigar but will we ever stop judging a man for his release.
Governments all need an enemy to justify their judicial system, as foreign lands are seldomly taken so an internal enemy is created. War on terror has people give up their civil liberties in exchange for the queens blue soldiers policing policy. Little by little they slowly cook the frog and so will the people wake up to a cult like government which try’s to control people’s thinking. As to medical marijuana it should be viewed as no different to a medical lemon tonic.