Viv, you are a JW, either you follow the rules or they will disfellowship you. Have you spoken to your elders and informed them about what you are posting here about science? No you have not, because they would have made you stop pronto, then you would be an ex-jw like so many others here. So viv you are as mentally confused as the average JW, so give it up already and choose the light.
JoinedPosts by Crabby
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
What does every parent want for their children?
They want their children to be better than them.
Why would God have wanted less from us?
He didn't, he made us like him, and better, we just have to realize it, and accept that God is knowledge and that people with enough knowledge can cure diseases, just as Jesus showed us we should also do if we follow in his steps.
Looking for evolutionary info on how smells can be carried on DNA
by Crabby inas i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
bohm, being confused is excellent because it shows that you are at least not formulating an answer out of nothingness like other people do here. Something that a mouse smells in this life, can be passed to it's offspring and grand offspring. We know this, it has been proven as I also noticed the same thing in dogs. That said the question is still a nonsense question designed to see what kinds of answers people will give. So anyone who answered and knows the truth is either a liar (typical JW) or is the greatest genetic scientist alive, because they know what all the other genetic scientist do not know. In other words I already know the answer to my question and the answer is no one knows how smells are transmitted to offspring.
Except for Viv of course, she knows EVERY TRUTH..........
Looking for evolutionary info on how smells can be carried on DNA
by Crabby inas i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
Bohn the question is not odd at all because the smell is new, thus could not exist on an existing gene, and modifying an existing gene could also not produce a new smell. Look the question that I ask can not be answered with the available scientific information, we know that it happens, but there is an entire level to DNA information that has not been discovered as of yet. This question was bait of a sort, you can not answer it, not all of the Earths genetic researchers can, all they and you can do is to speculate.
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
Looking for evolutionary info on how smells can be carried on DNA
by Crabby inas i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
cofty my children are adults, you have no clue as to anything.
Tell us in your own words how the smell of cherry blossoms can be transferred to offspring and grand offspring thru DNA? Because epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.
How would epigenetics transmit new information if it merely modifies existing genes?
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
bohm one would assume that an ex jw would be more intelligent that an active member, but this does not count that many ex members were kicked out for wearing the wrong color shirt or type of glasses. I have been watching the many videos of ex jw's and oddly enough have not found one that is not massively confused, some even admit this, which is far better than being asleep. At any rate there has never been a normal person join this cult, though clearly children are brainwashed from birth. The point is a former devil cult member is no genius for joining a devil cult, or for leaving it, as the joining precludes advanced intellect in the first place.
Looking for evolutionary info on how smells can be carried on DNA
by Crabby inas i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
Neither the article nor your book has any idea how the information is passed, you do not even know what epigenetics means.
Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression (active versus inactive genes) that does not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence — a change in phenotype without a change in genotype — which in turn affects how cells read the genes. Epigenetic change is a regular and natural occurrence but can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle, and disease state. Epigenetic modifications can manifest as commonly as the manner in which cells terminally differentiate to end up as skin cells, liver cells, brain cells, etc. Or, epigenetic change can have more damaging effects that can result in diseases like cancer. At least three systems including DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding RNA (ncRNA)-associated gene silencing are currently considered to initiate and sustain epigenetic change.[1] New and ongoing research is continuously uncovering the role of epigenetics in a variety of human disorders and fatal diseases.
You must have had your mind messed with by a cult or something.
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
cofty, you do not even know where you are, this is not just an ex jw forum.
Are you people 'The Watchtower'?
No - we're an independent community site offering support for both current and former Jehovah's Witnesses and anyone else who has been affected by the beliefs, doctrines and practices of the Jehovah's Witness religion as governed by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (WTB&TS).
We are not affiliated with the WTB&TS in any way and we take your privacy and security very seriously doing our utmost to protect your identity and provide a friendly, tolerant and informative environment where you can ask questions, share information and make new friends. Membership is completely free and anonymous so why not join today!
So please try to get a grip on reality, I know it's hard for current and former Devil worshippers.
Next idiot babble