Then please tell the group what the question should be? Ask Viv for help if you need it.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
as i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
My conclusion to the mouse experiment is that there is likely a layer to DNA information storage, that may be completely not understood, or perhaps not even seen. The facts are more important than the conclusions anyway, and the facts are that smells can be inherited. The conclusion is the end, since this is new there is no conclusion. Conclusions are needed for personality types that need closure and are not prepared to experiment and evaluate the results. Explorers on the other hand seek open trails that end only at another trail. JW's disagree as their false God does not try to heal the sick as jehoopa will kill them anyway.
could dna be adapted to binary code storage.
seriously could your hard drive be made of dna someday?
as i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
Island man, I understand your pus evolution traits selection argument, and do not disagree as Wolves are violent predators that are always getting kicked gored or bitten on top of their heads which they use to attack. Then a pack member cleans the would to keep the pack healthy and strong.
What you are not taking into account is in 1, ONE, generation a mouse was accustomed to pain coming from cherry blossoms and that this reaction was passed to all offspring. The means by how such a thing is stored in not known. Furthermore all you are explaining is the why of this happening. I am asking not why as I agreed, I am asking how.
PS. If you knew you would be teaching not reading and reposting nonsense on the net.
as i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
could dna be adapted to binary code storage.
seriously could your hard drive be made of dna someday?
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
could dna be adapted to binary code storage.
seriously could your hard drive be made of dna someday?
as i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
bohn, again I believe in evolution as a process that tunes an individual to it's surroundings. The complexness of evolution and need for DNA to run it means that DNA had to exist before evolution. Someone had to put the parts together before the process could work. Now as to pus reactions in puppies and the mouse cherry blossom experiments, these both clearly show that the way that things are passed on to new generations in a method that is not understood. Your need to feel that one thing must replace the other is wrong, we have bilions of parts that work together in a myriad of ways, that all work in tandem.
Darwin knew nothing about genes or DNA, we do, that said there is still more that we do not know that is so important that it makes us little more knowledgeable than Darwin. So something more has been learned, we might understand this new thing shortly or it might just elude us, it does however change the big picture in some way as DNA and our brains are storing things that we can not do as currently science can not store a scent on disk. To understand how to do this, we need to understand ourselves, which is something that no JW will ever do because they are not allowed to ask why?
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
Heaven, how is it possible for you to smell a flower and have that smell stored in your mind, then somehow pass that smell on to your child. This is what has been shown to be happening, however the answer is unknown...Though fascinating because it shows that we know little to nothing about how info is coded into DNA