NCC said,
"Lloyd Evans is not likely being motivated enough to start that type of venture and he lacks morals, ethics and human decency."
In other words, any self-respecting Atheist church would soon have to disfellowship Evans?
original reddit post (removed).
NCC said,
"Lloyd Evans is not likely being motivated enough to start that type of venture and he lacks morals, ethics and human decency."
In other words, any self-respecting Atheist church would soon have to disfellowship Evans?
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So glad you are here to brighten my day, Anna Marina. Yes, "Atheism may require a tweek". Lol. But no "prophecy or raising the dead"? Aw, that's too bad. Watchtower has experimented with "prophecy". They seem to have found that if the "pay-off" is too far in the future, people loose interest in working day and night for the "religion",... but if the "pay-off" is scheduled to arrive too soon, then reality catches up with the religion when the date comes but nothing happens. And then that requires a stroke of genious like "over-lapping generations" to postpone a mass exodus.
LMsA is probably right where he said,
" I think [Evans] was planning on living a life of semi-retirement from exJW activism at his beach retreat and handing over the keys to the Lloyd Evans channel... '
[to a paid worker], and just making cameo appearances himself. Ah, the good life! Opps! Where'd it go?
Somehow, I just don't see Evans' soaring to success and being hailed as a hero on the shoulders of his fellow Atheists. I mean, after all, didn't most of them become atheists because they were fed up with paying tribute to religious leaders? Maybe he can still sell key fobs, Croatian folk crafts,... oh yeah, and music albums.
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Nearly three decades ago, I hired a young man who had a wife and a couple of children to help me transport my belongings (not furniture) from the house of my relatives to an apartment I'd rented in another town. A friend had recommended him to me. Well, he helped me, finished the job, and I paid him. Weeks later, I heard that he'd relocated his wife and children from the apartment where they had been living, back into living with his wife's parents, had claimed his $4,000 dollar income tax refund check from the government for that year, and had disappeared from the lives of his family. So, yes, that can happen.
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That’s cute, Anna Marina,... lapsed patrons. How would they describe their status in their own words? Would they say, “I’m a lapsed Lloydivian. I lost faith briefly over trivialities like sexual morality, misuse of funds, and extortion. But I’ve recovered now, and I’m ready to accept all of Lloyd’s teachings. I’m re-initiating my Patreon support for the greatest Atheist activist who ever lived.”
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Istria looks like a beautiful and fascinating place to live. Croatian, Italian, and Slovene are the main languages there. Let’s all chip in and get Evans a little three-language travel dictionary.
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I'm glad Dijana left Watchtower. I'm not atheist. I believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible, ...hence my need to leave Watchtower. Has Dijana converted to Atheism along with Lloyd?
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So, watch out Baptists, Methodists, Kabbalah, and Baha’i. Evans may soon be soliciting tell-all stories from your members. He will give priority to secret recordings of the meetings of those in your highest echelons. Maybe he will revise that awful “God’s Buffet” title to, “Down with Babylon: Bring it on”.
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Now if only his counter-part would do the same.
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Watchtower declares itself the owner of each person's "publisher's record card". Watchtower makes it clear that the publisher doesn't own the "publisher's record card" on which Watchtower keeps its record of that person's activity, or lack thereof. (Long before waking up,) I once moved to a far distant location, and I requested that my publisher's record card be transferred to the congregation of the territory to which I had relocated. The Society left my publisher's record card at my previous congregation for (as I recall) over a year, until those elders at my previous location were finished with me. I could "declare myself" the Queen of Sheba, but my standing with Watchtower would still be "mud".
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NCC, it finally occurred to me to put my tablet in "desktop" view, and now I have my little notification bell again, back where it belongs. Also, now I can choose "sort by" most recent first when reading the youtube comments under a video. What a relief. Now if we could only help Slimboyfat get his "like" button to work once again.