I completely agree, Simon.
In one of his “apostasy” videos, Eric Wilson says that Watchtower’s “verbal” rules take precedence over their “written” rules. That was also my experience in my own case.
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I completely agree, Simon.
In one of his “apostasy” videos, Eric Wilson says that Watchtower’s “verbal” rules take precedence over their “written” rules. That was also my experience in my own case.
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From minutes 30 to 35 in this video, Eric Wilson points out to the JW brothers at the Kingdom Hall door that they are not following the procedure given in the Watchtower publication. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2wT58CD03Y8&t=0s
“A Jehovah’s Witness Elder On Trial for Apostasy”.
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So true, ozziepost. I was one of those who was determined to “stay faithful”, no matter what. But after years of unannounced (and unprovable) marking, one day I decided to look into “Ray Franz”. Three years ago, seeing that the Governing Body was just a group of unspiritual men allowed me to “wake up”. Christian freedom is now mine. It’s great to be here with you, ozziepost, Anna Marina, and all the others who have broken the shackles of Watchtower.
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Thanks for your information, too, raymond frantz. I went through a different ordeal that had many twists and turns,... with elders, the branch, and headquarters all trying to contrive a way to give the most positive result possible to their “favorite”. Even after decades, I will welcome someday getting to hear the behind-the-scenes actual story from a newly “awakened” elder. Everything done in darkness will become known in the light.
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Thanks, LMsA. I’m flattered to death that my question inspired such a thorough answer. Are you a professional writer? That’s amazing.
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What year was Evan’s Committee meeting? Whatever the year, he was a married man at that time. And (if my memory serves me), he had been an elder for one year at that time. That Evans had been a victim of CSA is one possibility. But here my memory fails me. Was he disfellowshipped as a result of that Committee meeting? And, did he move to Croatia with his wife after being disfellowshipped? He IS disfellowshipped from Watchtower, right? So,... whatever he “had on Watchtower”, Watchtower must not have been very worried.
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Nicolaou, I’m sorry I left out the “o” in your name. I thought I had the spelling right, but I see now that I didn’t. Your previous post had been funny. Saying, “You are funny, Nicolaou”, was my compliment to you.
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It seems like such a blissful arrangement until the husband cheats.
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The “family man” should start seriously considering taking some online college courses toward having a profession. “Now” is the time of his golden opportunity,... while he can afford to pay for it and while his mind is still sharp enough to pass the examinations. If he doesn’t know what he might be good at, there are aptitude tests to help him determine that.
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Anna Marina, you are tying my brain in knots.