You said:
“The religions created marriage not God. Ancient Israel practiced polygamy for centuries along with any number of other civilizations.”
I said:
”Polygamy, as practiced in ancient Israel, was not an open marriage.”
original reddit post (removed).
You said:
“The religions created marriage not God. Ancient Israel practiced polygamy for centuries along with any number of other civilizations.”
I said:
”Polygamy, as practiced in ancient Israel, was not an open marriage.”
original reddit post (removed).
NCC, you said:
“ making a distinction between polygamy and open marriage you are saying that it is perfectly fine for a man to cheat on his wife by marrying another wife.”
In ancient Israel, committing adultery with a neighbor’s wife carried the death penalty for both the man and the woman. Polygamy, as practiced in ancient Israel, was not an open marriage.
original reddit post (removed).
Leviticus 20:10 says, “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must surely be put to death.”
NCC, polygamy, as practiced by Israel in the Old Testament, was not the same as an “open marriage”.
I quoted Genesis 2:22 because that verse gives the biblical account of God creating the first marriage.
original reddit post (removed).
Genesis 2:22 says, “22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.” Scripturally, God created marriage. NCC, ancient Israel did practice polygamy. Do you see polygamy, as it was practiced by Israel in the Old Testament, as being an “open marriage”?
original reddit post (removed).
Scripturally, neither the husband nor the wife has the power or right to make theirs an “open marriage”. Scripturally, God created marriage, and he didn’t offer an “open marriage” option. Either marriage mate can forgive the other’s adultery and stay with that mate, but no human has the power to make adultery “not a sin”.
P.S. I’m sorry I misspelled your name above, LouGoode. I’d first spelled it “LouGoodes”. Then when I deleted the “s”, I accidentally also deleted the “e”. And now, the software doesn’t let me go back to fix it.
original reddit post (removed).
That was an excellent video, LouGood. I’d never seen a video by that lady before. Thank you for finding her for us.
Your video was good, too, Anna Marina. Speaking out against abuse and immorality will always anger the perpetrators, in every country.
original reddit post (removed).
I hope that if they divorce, her suffering won’t be over-whelming. Next, I hope that a caring, responsible man, inspired by her beauty and value, will win her heart. She and her little daughters deserve a safe and warm family life.
original reddit post (removed).
Do any of us here speak Croatian? I have the Pimsleur Croatian language course. I bought it in about 2008, when I was attending a Croatian JW group. It occurs to me that there may be stories of Evans on Croatian social media. IS there a Croatian social media?
original reddit post (removed).
Yes, LMsA, most wives probably hope he’s serious when the husband says he wants to improve. It’s emotional abuse for a man who is sinning shamelessly, with no intention of stopping, to keep giving glimmers of hope to his wife.
original reddit post (removed).