Diogenesister, we should write a checklist for Lloyd Evans to help him out. It would help him sort through his mail faster and get to the people that really interest him without having the drudgery of reading all those letters from "nobodies" who are begging for his help. Then, Lloyd could hire someone, at minimum wage, to triage the correspondence he receives,... not according to how badly they need him, but rather according to what they can do FOR him.
I don't know if this information is still under his YouTube description or not, but there used to be a message saying that he was receiving way too many messages from his viewers, and that he couldn't answer them all because he owed time to his family. I think that it also said something about the possibility that someone on his staff might occassionally answer an email for him.
So, the checklist of information that Evans would want before deciding whether or not he has time for helping someone,... would it ask for a photo of the person? her age? marital status? availability of temporary lodging near her home? I mean, he would need to spend a few days with her in order to help her, wouldn't he?