Yeah, I bet. (smiles)
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Yeah, I bet. (smiles)
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Not to worry. Lloyd won’t contact them. The cult expert is Alexandra Stein. They want stories from those leaving a cult or who have successfully left a cult. Why do I say Lloyd won't contact them? Because he wouldn’t want to help any other channel by giving them his story, and after giving it to them, he wouldn’t be in control of how his story got edited.
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Maybe they recognized him,... as in, ...maybe they saw his face and knew who he was.
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Evans’ timing just happened to be right when he started making exjw videos. He seemed upbeat and knew all the JW terminology. He looked like someone who had successfully escaped Watchtower and was enjoying a good life. People who were tired of Watchtower’s oppression saw his videos and thought, “I can learn from him”. But when the hidden rottenness of his life became public knowledge, he lost his luster as being a person from whom to learn. This marred his marketability in YouTube land, and his finances were adversely affected. Apparently he had no Plan B.
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Evans apparently assumed that his volunteer worker, who was also a retired solicitor, Kim Silvio, walked around with a gag order permanently stuffed in her mouth. When she sounded a much-needed warning about who LE is, he was dumbfounded that she had “spoken”. From Evans’ point of view, she had committed an unforgivable sin and he was the aggrieved party. Evans writes his own rules of morality. Will that be his next book? Did I guess correctly? Will the title be, “The Lloyd Evans Guide to Last Days Morality - Justifying Total Debauchery”?
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Oh, okay. I missed that entirely and had to back up to find it.
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Chinapomo asked,
”Lots of cults are destructive. Why is this forum about jw?”
We are on a website called Jehovahs-witness .com
Chinapomo, I will now admit that I made an assumption (a guess, really) that the last part of your avatar name had a meaning related to JWs. Yes, I thought that “pomo” probably indicated “physically out, mentally out”. Was I completely wrong?
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“He's clutching at straws, or rather, throwing mud in the hope that it gives the appearance of some impropriety.”
I agree, Simon. Evans is “hoping against hope” to find a way to take Kim down. But “law” does have its exceptions. I found online a case (US law) where a professional who was not under contract was successfully sued after giving free advice. This was a very rare case. I also see where (US law) being a “retired” lawyer is no protection against being sued. (Though, in those cases that I found, the lawyer had not been “retired” when originally giving advice.) Those two cases (online) were separate, not facts of the same case. I’m only mentioning this because, I believe those remote possibilities explain Evans’ crazed obsession with Kim’s credentials. He is apparently racking his brain to find a way to implicate her in some kind of wrong doing.
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Kim Silvio was a volunteer worker for Evans, and she was a retired lawyer (solicitor). Of COURSE there was no attorney-client relationship, hence no attorney-client privilege. But the absence of an attorney-client relationship apparently doesn’t stop Evans from “dreaming”. That was the point of my previous comment.
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I thought just now.... why does Evans have this obsession with the lawyer (solicitor) credentials of Kim Silvio? Then it hit me. Ahhh! He thinks that he can get a sanction against her,... a former volunteer helper, who is also a retired lawyer (solicitor), charging her with breaking attorney-client confidentiality. Wow!
If I'm the last person on this forum to figure that out, please excuse me for my slow wit.
The Attorney-Client Privilege
"The attorney-client privilege is a rule that protects the confidentiality of communications between lawyers and clients. Under the rule, attorneys may not divulge their clients' secrets, nor may others force them to. The purpose of the privilege is to encourage clients to openly share information with their lawyers and to let lawyers effectively represent their clients."