Others here have mentioned Barbara Anderson,... always speaking of her with respect and admiration. Through the years she has kept us informed of the progress, and sometimes lack of progress, in getting protection for children, and in getting some measure of justice after-the-fact.
Shyla, the daughter of Kim and Mikey, commented on one of the forums of this site, that she asks the deaf in each locality how they would prefer that she sign the phrase meaning “CSA”. She shows respect for their sensibilities.
Many valiant people have suffered reproach in an effort to give a platform to those who have suffered. They deserve so much better treatment than they have received.
REPORT: “Jehovah’s Witnesses are mentioned many times in the report.)
Title: Child protection in religious organisations and settings – Investigation report, September 2021
From page 27: “PR-A6 was abused by a ministerial servant in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Peter Stewart, who would quote scripture to her and tell her that Jehovah wanted them to spend time together, and that it was important to be obedient and respect her elders.187”
From page 24: “12. In certain languages, there are no words for rape or sexual abuse, or for sexual organs.159 Clearly, this can make disclosure difficult from a practical perspective.”
(I am unable to get the link to post. Sorry.)