JeffT said,
”t's been pointed out before, and his worth mentioning again, a person who is watching anti-watchtower You Tubes is already on their way out, even if they don't know it.“
That was true of my experience. Before waking up, I’d been aware of the existence of “apostate” forums. But I didn’t linger on those forums, because that would be “wrong”. Fast forward to August 2018. I wanted “friends”, but not JW condescension. I read Ray Franz’ books. By January 2019, I was avidly searching the web and YouTube to discover the world of exjws.
JeffT, I admire that you and your wife did research when waking up together from Watchtower. My awakening was less impressive than yours from an “erudite” perspective. But however it is precipitated, when the awakening happens, it HAPPENS,.. like a tempest striking. So, yes, I agree,... people watching anti-Watchtower YouTubes are already on their way out. How wonderful that we have found freedom, whatever our age or our material circumstances.